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Adaptive Computing - Page 7

Your source for Adaptive Computing announcements, customer success stories, industry trends, and more.

Vitis unified software platform 2022.2 has been released. Major feature enhancements include new Vitis library functions for Versal AI Engine arrays and Design flow enhancements for Versal devices.

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The new Vivado® ML Editions 2022.2 release offers several major improvements and enhancements to the tool set.

Power Design Manager (PDM) is the new, next-generation power estimation platform designed to bring accurate and consistent power estimation capabilities for Versal® devices and Kria™ SOMs. Power Design Manager is the preferred power estimation tool for the Versal product family, including Versal Prime, Premium, AI Core, and AI Edge series.

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With the new Vivado® ML Editions 2022.1 release, we have introduced some major improvements and enhancements to the tool set. The Vivado Design Suite 2022.1 release provides QoR improvement for Versal devices, ML-based resource estimation, ML Strategy Runs now available for Versal devices, and new devices enabled in the Enterprise & Standard Editions of Vivado ML.

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Xilinx netted a double win at 2021 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) and IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision  (ICCV)  two of the top 3 worldwide computer vision academic conferences. Both CVPR and ICCV organizations double-honored Xilinx AI products team, which is a strong recognition of the team’s technical strength and innovation in global competitions.

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The Xilinx App Store makes it easy for you to evaluate, purchase, and deploy accelerated applications. You can be deploying effortlessly in the cloud with AWS or running your apps on-premise in under 10 minutes!

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Various multimedia applications need very low end-to-end latency so that the quality of experience (QoE) is kept high and the application remains useful. You’ll probably have been in a video conference where there is a noticeable delay between you speaking and the receiver hearing it – it creates a poor experience and makes it difficult to hold a conversation. Or imagine a live football broadcast where you hear your neighbors cheering for a goal while they watch the game on over-the-air TV, and then you frustratingly see the same goal 30 seconds later because you’re watching an Internet stream. For live coverage or interactivity, keeping latency as low as possible is a must. Similar low latency streaming is required during live events, news gathering, e-sports/game streaming, and KVM (keyboard, video, mouse) control systems. 

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Video folks often refer to terms such as “4:2:2 10-bit”, “full 4:4:4” or “8-bit 4:2:0”, but what do these numbers mean? The 8- and 10-bit refers to the number of digital bits per colour component (bpcc), with 10-bits used to represent each of the red, green, and blue pixel values. So, 10-bit will have a vastly bigger palette to choose from than 8-bit. Higher numbers of bits per colour not only means more accurate representation of the scene in the digital domain, but also affects video quality when representing smooth transitions.

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We have all come to expect high-quality video when viewing video streams for work or play. The delivery of media using IP networks, known as AV-over-IP, helps to quench an insatiable demand for content, equipment, and bandwidth. Whether for live streaming your latest game challenge or attending virtual events, the expectation is that compressed video is delivered with higher detail, greater contrast, and a wide array of lifelike colors. Ultra high-definition (UHD) video as defined by the Ultra HD Forum combines improvements in resolution, wide color gamut (WCG), increased frame rates, higher bit depths, and high dynamic range (HDR) to deliver a more realistic visual experience.

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Two new downloadable apps that can significantly cut development time of certain industrial applications are now available from AMD’s Kria™ App Store. Used in conjunction with AMD’s modestly priced Kria KR260 Robotics Starter Kit (US$349), these apps that were developed for the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS certified KR260 boards, help developers build complex, hardware-accelerated industrial systems with minimal Linux and no FPGA expertise required. 

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Multimedia streaming is one of the most complex system designs you’ll face. Integrating from a vast array of audio/video (AV) connectivity standards with compression codecs, audio and video processing, synchronization, and IP network streaming, while making the embedded software all work seamlessly and reliably often means you’ll need a team of people working on different aspects of the design and plenty of collaboration to make things work as you expected.

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