Adaptive Computing - Page 5

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Adaptive Computing - Page 5

Your source for Adaptive Computing announcements, customer success stories, industry trends, and more.

DesignCon 2019 has come and gone, and with it came a flurry of new interconnects targeting a variety of forward-looking serial technology. Xilinx partnered with four connector vendors to present six demonstrations showing what architects can look forward to using in their designs. From the near term 32G PCIe® style and emerging 58Gb/s PAM4 long reach interconnects to tomorrow’s 112G PAM4 topologies, Xilinx had SerDes technologies on display to fit everyone’s next generation wish list. In the following two weeks, we are going to release a series of Xilinx PAM4 technology demos from DesignCon. Stay tuned!

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Massive growth in data traffic driven by cloud services and the rollout of 5G is creating challenges to keep up with burgeoning bandwidth requirements within networks. Line card port densities in routers and switches, optical standard evolution, and optical network bandwidth updates are major constraints to cost effectively keep pace with bandwidth needs. The transition to 58G transceivers is an important step to deliver 400G+data rates on the same existing footprint.

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What do you get when you combine the world's most popular microprocessor with the biggest ecosystem and the world's most powerful programmable logic devices? Unparalleled flexibility, performance, scalability, and real-time determinism. This combination allows increased protocol support, I/O expansion, hardware acceleration, and future-proofed designs.

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As this year comes to an end, we're taking a moment to reflect on the Adaptive Advantage blogs posted in 2018, covering product news, boards, IP, webinars, partner stories, etc. Here are the top 5 product news stories of 2018 selected by the editors.

Silicon product news dominated the headlines for much of the year. On the other end of the spectrum, boards and software news stories were popular enough to crack the top 5 as well. Read on to see the prominent product news stories of the year.

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