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SmartLynq+ Module for Versal ACAP | Faster Debug. Maximum Productivity

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This article was originally published on January 21, 2021.

Editor’s Note: This content is contributed by Karan K. Kantharia, product line manager - Boards & Kits.

As we enter the era of heterogeneous compute, where different processing engines in a single application take us to that next level of performance and efficiency, debug and trace tools have to evolve to keep up with devices.

Today, Xilinx adds a new product to its programming, debug, and trace module portfolio. The SmartLynq+ module is a high-speed debug and trace module primarily targeting designs using the Versal™ platform. It drastically improves configuration and trace speed. The SmartLynq+ module provides up to 28X faster Linux download time via the high-speed debug port (HSDP) than the SmartLynq data cable. For trace capture, the SmartLynq+ module is capable of speeds up to 10Gb/s via HSDP. That's 100X faster than standard JTAG! More rapid iterations and repetitive downloads increase development productivity and reduce the design cycle. This means that you no longer need to spend your precious time on debugging and instead can focus on the launch of your Versal based solutions.

SmartLynq+ module users can take advantage of the following:

  • Super-fast download speed, maximizing development productivity for faster iterations
  • High-speed trace with enhanced visibility, up to 14GB of trace memory for execution history
  • Full visibility for heterogeneous architectures, in-depth debug for hard IP and Intelligent Engines (AI and DSP), Adaptable Engines, and Scalar Engines in Versal ACAP
  • Cohesive and time-related debug of all subsystems
  • Flexible and smart debug platform with features like smart filtering and software programmable built-in debugger
  • Sharable debug platform with a unified view for a remote, multi-user environment

Jam-packed with breakthrough performance and smart features, the SmartLynq+ module is the smartest and most flexible debug product in the market.

Key Features and Interfaces


Key features and interfaces for the SmartLynq+ module:

  • Host-side USB 3.0 connector, Gigabit Ethernet to connect to the network and enable remote access
  • High-speed debug port (HSDP) for faster programming, debug, and high-speed serial trace
  • JTAG (PC4 header) that offers up to 100MHz speed
  • 8-bit general-purpose I/O (GPIO) port for a variety of basic input/output operations on the targeted board
  • Mictor-38 connector for parallel trace (reserved for future use)

Accessories shipped with the SmartLynq+ module include a power supply, USB & Ethernet cables, micro SD card, JTAG, and GPIO flying lead cables. Users should download the latest SD card image, follow the necessary steps to set up the module, and then blaze through their development with Versal ACAP. An embedded design tutorial (EDT) is available for users to help with getting started. Users can readily use the SmartLynq+ module with the now shipping Versal AI Core series VCK190 evaluation kit and Versal Prime series VMK180 evaluation kit and experience the power of HSDP first-hand!

Learn More

To order or to learn more about the SmartLynq+ module, visit