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Versal Premium|Breakthrough Integration of Networked, Power-Optimized Cores on an Adaptable Platform

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This article was originally published on April 15, 2020.

Editor’s Note: This content is contributed by Mike Thompson, Sr. Product Line Manager, Virtex UltraScale+ FPGA and Versal Premium ACAP.

In markets across the world, continuous demand for higher bandwidth scales beyond what today's technologies and form factors can support. The demand is for more efficient, pervasive compute that scales beyond what CPU and GPU technologies can match.

The Versal® Premium series provides breakthrough heterogeneous integration, high-performance compute, connectivity, and security in an adaptable platform with a minimized power and area footprint. This highly integrated platform allows users to focus on their unique core competencies and novel algorithms, rather than designing connectivity and memory infrastructure, to achieve the earliest possible time to market.

Integrated connectivity provides up to 5Tb/s of Ethernet connectivity for metro and core network applications, as well as for fastest possible data movement for data-hungry compute applications. The Versal Premium series’ Adaptable Hardware provides over 7 million system logic cells, allowing users to implement highly differentiated logic and the latest algorithms. This heterogeneous platform provides users with pre-engineered connectivity, processors, custom memory hierarchies, security, and customizable compute fabric that enable the fastest time to market to capture market share in the most challenging compute and networking applications.

Versal Premium seriesVersal Premium series

For those looking for more technical details on the Versal Premium series, we’ve published the Versal Premium ACAPs white paper. This white paper describes the market forces that are driving demand for increased bandwidth and compute density, and explains how the Versal Premium series meets these needs. The white paper provides an architectural overview of the Versal Premium series, and details on its unique features, including 112G PAM4 transceivers, multirate Ethernet, High-Speed Crypto Engines (HSC), PCIe® Gen5, and Interlaken. Finally, the white paper describes the specific benefits of the series, as well as use cases for data center and transport networking, retail video content analytics, and network test applications.

Download this white paper and start exploring the architecture of the Versal Premium series.