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PC Drivers & Software

After recent driver update many many older games no longer run.

After updating my drivers with the auto detector most older games no longer run. They freeze on launch and are stuck on a white screen/black screen/ or a static main menu and are frozen. Every game I tested ran perfectly fine before the update.

25 Replies

ok but that is really too little info ... not saying what's your hardware , no telling drivers version ... can't really go anywhere there

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I'm sorry... I don't know how to acquire most of that information. Is there some way for me to find out what the exact hardware I have is? This is all I know how to find.


AMD A8-6410 APU

AMD Radeon R5 Graphics 2.00 GHz

Windows 10 64 bit 19042.867

Edit: Found another

Radeon software adrenaline 20.11.2


Thats good enough..except mentioning this is a laptop

Have you assigned the high power graphics to the games?

How to Customize Graphics Performance Preference on Windows® 10 Based Laptops | AMD


I'm sorry but I'm not on a laptop. I'm on a desktop. Should I still try that?


Then you are posting the wrong these are mobility (laptop) graphics. Is this a all-in-one computer?



I'm not sure. I bought this from a friend. I copied and pasted the apu straight from the system info page so it should be the right one. Could that be the issue here?


Run SPECCY...take a screenshot of 'CPU' and the 'GRAPHICS' page and post them here:

Download Speccy | Find your computer specs, free! (







are this idle temps ? seems a little high if doing nothing, if temps are too high because of bad mounted cooler , or not efficient thermal paste ..., it could cause freezes


I have like 15 tabs of chrome open lol. Plus its only freezing on older games. Newer ones seem to be running fine. Like, Battle Brothers, Star Ruler 2, and Star Traders: Frontiers are all not working but other games are. I don't see how temps could be the cause when its only on older, less intensive games and newer, more intensive games run fine.

Journeyman III

Have you tried running those games in windowed mode to see if they work better?

The reason I am asking is that sometime between the 20.8.x drivers and 20.11.x drivers my MSI 5700XT ended up stuck with the GPU clock around 6-20 MHz in many (but not all) games instead of its normal 1700+ MHz GPU clock. This caused the games to run at about 1 fps according to things like the Steam overlay, and everything would feel like it was half frozen. The 21.2.3 drivers did not fix this, and neither did a complete reinstall of Windows.

I only realized what the problem was when I started running GPU-Z on my second monitor while launching the games, so you could try having GPU-Z open with the Sensor tab active and see if the GPU clock changes at all or seems stuck on a low value.

It didn't happen in every game for me (Yakuza 0 ran perfectly normal the whole time, for some reason) but almost all games had that issue in fullscreen mode. Windowed mode or borderless windowed mode worked fine in many games, but some games (Skyrim or Fallout 4, for example) would not work properly even in windowed/borderless mode.

I removed the GPU driver with DDU and went back to 20.8.1 from July and now the GPU clock is around 700 MHz in idle and goes up properly during games, so they run fine again. I am running Windows 7 on this particular PC, but I figure it's worth a try even on Windows 10.

Edit: Alt+Enter might help switch between fullscreen and windowed on games where there's no launcher to help with this, but it can be tricky to get it recognized if it's stuck at <1 fps.


I haven't tried that no. I don't know what gpu-z is though and any input causes it to stop responding so I wouldn't be able to tab over to it.


Is your computer a great big touchscreen? That is a all in one.

That APU calls for this driver. It is the only driver you install.



Oh, no. It's a normal desktop. Has a tower and monitor and whatnot.


Well I'm out of suggestions. I have never seen a desktop graphics chip use a Mobility (laptop) driver..unless it is a all-in-one. I would have a talk with whoever you bought this from.



I bought it several years ago and can't contact him anymore .-.''' It's run fine up until the recent driver update. Is there a way for me to install an older version somehow?


"It's run fine up until" ok lol , but this is not sufficient to tell if this temps are fine even if it was running before , if temps are close to 90 while starting a game i wouldn't search further


I play a game and it runes fine. Then I update my drivers. Then the same game stops running. I have no idea how it wouldn't be the update but ok. How exactly would I go about checking the temp?


running "fine" or not , i would check these temps

try to get speccy or another hwmonitor for example on screen while starting a benchmark like maybe furmark for gpu part and i think there is a benchmark in cpu-z for cpu part too , and check if temps are getting high very quick


I have speccy but I don't have an hw monitor my monitor is normal. And I dunno how to run a furmark or a cpu-z. Are those programs I can find? I can't really use speccy though because the game won't let me alt tab if I force close it then I won't be able to get a good read of the temps. Unless I can run any game but that seems like checking a game thats running fine wouldn't help for a game that isn't. >.<


yes you can find them easily on your preferred search engine


don't use a game , use furmark or cpu-z benchmark , you can use them and have speccy or hwmonitor on screen in the same time (is speccy in fullscreen ? maybe you can switch it to reduced window with ALT+enter)


I'll do that later as I have some stuff to get done today, but I figured I'd try one of the older drivers cause that seemed easier to check first. I uninstalled the old driver and installed Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.9.1 and they run again. I wonder if maybe it was a multi problem? I'm really not well versed on computer stuff lol


ok i tried to give the links but the message as been marked as spam ... so ...

yeah try to search on cpuid dot com for hwmonitor and cpu-z ... and furmark on geeks3d dot com

with furmark and cpuid you can stress your cpu while checking temps with hwmonitor or speccy on screen at the same time , no alt tab needed ,  if speccy is in full screen try alt+enter to reduce the window