So I was playing games and stopped then I came back like 4 hours later and now any game I play doesn't get over 30 fps. also can't stream because it makes it even worse.
Did you reboot your computer?
I have. Ive rest it completely. updated drivers the only thing I haven't tried besides is updating my BIOS
Please add some information:
Any chance you left some recording feature on for four hours and your storage, most likely C-drive, is now full?
I think I would check temperatures of CPU and GPU (with HWINFO64, run as administrator, sensors only), would clear shader cache, run Windows feature called Disk Cleanup (run as administrator, select system files, select everything on the list if shows).
Then type CMD to Windows search, right-click command prompt, run as administator and type these into it
sfc /scannow (fixes system files if there are errors)
chkdsk /F answer yes and reboot machine