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Journeyman III


Buy a pc with: Ryzen 5 2400g, Mother MSI B450M PRO-M2 MAX, 8gb ram card, 1 tera disk, bronze certified font.
I saw that its integrated graphics (vega 11) ran some games like gta v with low graphics, and competitive games in 1080p at 60-80 fps.
At first I lowered the minecraft to see how it was going and with everything on high it was between 40-60 fps for nothing stable, and I saw videos that talked about improving the APUs and such thing, I made onfigurations from the BIOS and in a moment I changed the profile and the frequencies of the RAM card and games like lol do not exceed 20 fps when I use skills, I literally do not know that it touches the BIOS, if you have any solution please advise that I am not very good at this Hardware / Software.
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