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PC Processors

Adept I

Ryzen 7 3700X High Tempratures after changing Cooler

Case : Sharkoon TG4 

Motherboard: MSI B550 Gaming Plus 

Ram : Gskill 3200 Mhz 16 GB

GPU: Gigabyte 3080 8 GB OC

New Cooler: NZXT Kraken M22

Obvious but CPU : Ryzen 7 3700X

Before 2 months or so,I noticed that my tempratures of my CPU were 95 and sometimes it even shut my pc down giving me a warning about the CPU Overheating temprature.

I have switched from AMD's cooler stock and moved to Kraken M22 Watercooling in hope that my tempratures will drop.

It stayed pretty much the same even tho I checked my BIOS updates,Switched fans from my PSU(650W) to my motherboard and on full RPM setting,re-installed my windows 10 PRO,checked every cable inside my PC and everything is connected as planned.Diagnostics from Windows detected that nothing is wrong with my pc,yet I keep getting Idle 50-70 C and while in game 80-95C.Sometimes tho Ingame i get 70C which is normal I think.

Can anyone help me?Anyone got any Ideas?I would love to hear what's your ideas on what is going wrong with my PC.Thank you very much!

8 Replies

Are you getting your Temperatures from Ryzen Master or from so other Monitoring software?

If not, download and install Ryzen Master and see if it is the same or very close with the monitoring software your are using.

Either your Motherboard or CPU has a defective Thermal Sensor or your Liquid CPU Cooler isn't installed correctly or is defective.

Some Users have mentioned that the CPU Cooler software CAM causes issues on their computer.

Make sure the pump is working by feeling the tubing (slight vibrations) when the computer is running. This will show if you have any blockages or your pump isn't working.

Check for leaks from the AIO hoses.

Also check if the input hose to the CPU pump is slightly cooler than the output. This will indicate if liquid is flowing or not.

Make sure your Fan or Radiator's air flow is not obstructed in any way. 

Make sure the Radiator's Fan is running full 100% speed when the CPU starts going over 70C or 80C.

Remove one side panel of the computer case and see if it affects your CPU temperatures. If it does that indicates poor air circulation inside the computer case.

When you installed the Water Block (Pump) did you use the correct amount of Thermal paste and is the water block tightly and evenly installed on top of the CPU?

If you want you can stress test the CPU using OCCT to see what temperatures from the CPU, GPU and Motherboard are to determine if anything starts to overheat during the testing.

In OCCT under Global Settings set your Maximum Temperature to 96C which is one degree past the Maximum Operating Temperature of your CPU. That way the test will automatically stop when the temperature goes past 96C.

Report back you findings. Thanks

EDIT: I have the same 3700X with a AIr Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO with two Fans on it. It keeps my CPU under 70C under Maximum stress when my room temperature is around 82F but at 60C when the room temperature is at 79C or cooler.

The CPU temperature is constantly fluctuating between mid 40C and high 50C during idle or normal computer use. This doesn't concern me as long as it is below 80C no matter what I am doing on the computer.

Also you can disable PBO in BIOS to make the CPU run cooler and set the Fan at a aggressive profile and in Windows Power Plan you can set the Processor at 100% Maximum and 5% Minimum.

I have PBO enabled on my computer and Windows Power plan I have the Processor set at 100% and 5%.

I have downloaded Ryzen Master and It is not very close as to what Speecy or Core Temp told me .

The Kraken M22 comes with Thermal paste applied on top of it all over spread out evenly and nice.

It is properly installed although I didn't install it,a friend of mine did and he knows about hardware and stuff like that.

As for AIO and inpute Hose.I am not familiar whatsoever with those,I felt the 2 giant tubes and they are vibrating,I felt the cooler on my CPU and it's the same as it is in the start of the Liquid cooler.

Those tubes also touch each other(as I said I have no idea about those) but I thought I'd mention this.

Fan is not obstructed in any way and they are always running at 100% speed because I don't know how to set up the fans to do as you told me(Im a newbie).

When I installed and had the case opened Temps seemed fine,althought now with Ryzen Master my current temp is 48,41C on Idle.

About the stress test I don't think I wanna do it because I don't wanna burn down my pc  



41C- 48C idle is okay.

Don't worry about burning your PC down. Both the Processor and GPU cards are engineered to shutdown if it overheats past a certain temperature to prevent damage.

Now a huge power surge or a large short in the motherboard or Motherboard connected hardware can cause a fire but not from the CPU or GPU overheating.

On the Cooler that connects to the CPU there should be two hoses connected to it. One hose (cold or Input) is where the liquid enters the pump from the Radiator and the second hose (slightly warmer or output) is where the liquid exits the pump from the CPU and goes back to the Radiator to be cooled again.

Speccy may not be very good way to measure temperatures for AMD processors. Ryzen Master is the best software for that since it was engineered for Ryzen processors specifically.

I also use Core Temp (Desktop Gadgets) but I needed to add 7C degrees Offset in Core Temp Settings to get close to what Ryzen Master is showing.  The hotter my processor got the more accurate Core Temp was to Ryzen Master.


Thanks for answering.Tomorrow first thing in the morning I will be taking my whole PC to some guys that know voltage of the motherboard to see if the motherboard sends wrong volts to CPU that's causing it to overheat or something and with them I will check the CPU cooler as well.Thank you very much.I will update on what we discovered tomorrow! and I will do a stress test to see the levels even tho my Mhz from Ryzen master was like 700-900 in Idle so I don't know if that's normal.

With Ryzen Master does it still show going up to or past 95C?

If the CPU Temps are below 85C then you have nothing to worry about. The processor is running within its temperature limits.



I have this issue with tempratures while playing PUBG mostly,I haven't checked it out yet.

Btw the guy that was supposed to tell me the opinion which I talked about yesterday wasn't availabe today,so I will visit him tomorrow.



I will change my PSU from 650 to 850W since i have this one for years,propably lost it's touch and giving power supply unevenly.

About the liquid cooler,I felt the cables and it's the same temprature,neither of them are hot neither cold but I think it's working because otherwise I would get shutdown from CPU overheating all the time.

Propably gonna switch my PC case as well because it's kinda small.

Thanks for all the answers and I will update as soon as I switch PSU if anything changed.

I have switched me PSU and the temprature problem seems to be fixed.

I now have 77 C at most at PUBG which was the problem so it's kind of fixed because I don't have that much powerful watercooling.

Propably the whole system was getting enough energy to work properly and it seems to be fixed.If it spikes again I will have a techician to check motherboard and cpu for faulty products.Thanks everybody for their replies and help!I aprreciate y'all!