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PC Processors

Journeyman III

CPU Massive MHz Drop and Over Boosting

CPU: 3700x (got brand new Nov '19)
GPU: 5700XT (got brand new Nov '19)
MB: ASUS Prime X570-Pro (got brand new Nov '19)
PSU: Original- Rosewill Hive 650S & Current BeQuiet Pure Power 12M 750W (just bought last week to try and diagnose problem)
Note: I "technically" overclock, but I only lock the clock speed at 3700MHz, VDDCR CPU: 1.5V, VDDCR SOC: 1.2V, DRAM: 1.38V, PBO: Off (cause fudge that sheet), custom DRAM timings for better performance (used DRAM calculator program), and all other MB settings are factory or set to AUTO.

i have searched here and online to figure out what is going on, and I cannot seem to figure anything out. My PC will freeze and reboot while playing Rocket League a few times in Feb, March, and April '23. It started occurring more often in June, and progressively got worse until now. Once I found my perfect little "overclock" to be stable, I'd been running this almost exact setup for well over 3yrs. I started using HWMonitor again in June and noticed that my core clocks would go slightly above 3700 either at idle or while playing games. At most I would see 5-10MHz over 3700.

All drivers and BIOS are updated, everything is plugged in correctly, and I've even tried a different PSU and MB with no success. I have recently reloaded windows, did the one where you keep you files, and still didn't resolve the problem. So before I completely wipe everything or buy a new CPU, I'd like to see if anyone here has any advice or to tell me to stop messing with PCs...

I attached some pictures of yesterday's adventure and new issue of dropping from 3700MHz down to 230MHz. I have also learned now my GPU won't achieve it's core clock speed, and whenever I stress test through Adrenalin my background disappears and shows Black. I do not have any boot up problems, but I have noticed things seem to take longer than usual to load when first turning on for the day. Also, on average my PC is running for maybe 12hrs/day between on while working, off, and back on for gaming for another 3-5hrs.

Please help, and let me know any other information or details that you would like to know to assist in figuring out what I did wrong.
HWMonitor.JPGVoltage Details.JPG

17 Replies
Journeyman III

I'm sorry, I just realized this posted in General and I thought I selected the Processors section. Could an Admin please move this post to the Processors section, please? Or do I need to repost this myself?

Volunteer Moderator

 I moved it.

Ryzen 7 7700X, MSI MAG X670E Tomahawk Wifi, Corsair DOMINATOR® TITANIUM RGB 2x16GB DDR5 DRAM 6000MT/s CL30, AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT, Corsair HX Series™ HX1000, Corsair MP600 PRO NH 4TB
Big Boss

waldo_36, please post a screenshot of Ryzen Master (RM) while running Cinebench and at idle. Please post only images of RM. Thanks and enjoy, John.


Will do, I was just about to post a new monitor screenshot of what has happened just now. Weirdly boosted over 3800MHz. I really think this thing might fried and that frustrating.




Thanks, waldo_36. In general, I tend not to believe CPUID Monitor or any other free stuff and this is why I asked for RM. Your first image was great, this one is unusable. Please do what you did before to post the RM images. I doubt you have damaged your processor. Thanks and have fun, John.


*EDIT Also for some weird reason each time I restart or turn on the PC the next day, it seems like everything takes longer to load. I have a M.2 on the MB as my boot drive, and got this message after I uninstalled some bloatware since I reloaded Windows (but kept my files).



This is idle with only HWMonitor, GPU Tweak3, and RM open. 2nd screenshot below the first.


Weirdly when I first opened Cinebench (new 2024 version), everything spiked and seemed to maxing out Peak Speed, PPT, CPU Power, TDC, and EDC. It was stuck like this for about 15sec because I was trying to close Cinebench, but it wasn't responding and had to get task manager to kill it. Opened it up again, spiked the same way, but came down very quickly. And here's the screenshot of running Cinebench 2024 after 30sec and I stopped it due to the reds and one yellow.




Thanks, waldo_36. You definitely have a problem but I cannot read your images. You should try the PREVIEW so you see what I see. I cannot read the Windows message at all but see that your processor is throttling due to three different limits being exceeded (RED meters). Please try this: Do a Clear CMOS, reboot and see how Windows (W10 or W11 and X64?) comes up. I it looks better then run Cinebench. Also please attach your image files so I can read them. If your system is still having problems, it may be time to install a fresh copy of W? Let me know if you need help. Thanks and enjoy, John.


Weird, when I clicked on the preview button to look at my images, the website stopped responding to any of my clicks, scrolling, or clicking on anything on the webpage.

So the Windows error code for the pin concern is (code: 0x80090022). The message says to try a restart to see if that fixes the problem, and it did. Still not sure why it popped up and this is the first time I've ever seen that message.

So I did screenshots and just copied/pasted in the body. I'll try to record my desktop and post a video. Then I'll try your recommended clear CMOS and reboot.



So recorded my desktop and did 3 videos. I did notice improvement on boot-up after CMOS cleared.

First video was done shortly after that most recent reply:

Second is after clear CMOS and reboot and these all factory settings. I moved my task bar over before recording, and my background went black. That's started happening within the past week:

Third video is reverting back to my settings, and I'll provide pictures of the list of things I changed in bios. When I open up Adrenalin Software to start recording, background went black again:

Here are the pictures of all the settings I changed:
Settings Changed 1.jpgSettings Changed 2.jpgSettings Changed 3.jpgSettings Changed 4.jpgSettings Changed 5.jpg


Thanks, waldo_36. Please do a clear CMOS and leave it unchanged until we figure this out. I think you need a fresh install of W? You could consider installing on another disk (SSD) to see how your system runs. I will look at the videos when I can.

I think it is too early to assume you have damaged your processor. I would think you would be seeing BSODs aplenty. Have you seen any virus attacks? Enjoy, John.

EDIT: I looked at a couple of videos. I am not really interesting in seeing your system running your settings. The one right after Clear CMOS looks normal. I have no idea why you are seeing a blank screen. We should look at one thing at a time. I also think you should kill STRIX monitor. When we get to the denouement you can do anything you want.



Mr. J, I included those settings I changed for your review to make sure if I was changing something that I shouldn't be changing. No worries though, I was trying to provide some more information to possibly assist with diagnosis.

I did some testing over the weekend and found that I still have freeze & reboots occurring at lowered voltages and when running everything at factory settings. I did Clear CMOS between each testing, and still had reboot events.

I have read a few other posts on here that are more recent that describe similar scenarios, and I did some further digging. I have a few screenshots below of various critical Kernel events, and I'll specify which caused a reboot and which did not.

These two screenshots below with Critical Kernels are actual reboot events while gaming. As I've recently seen posted that others are getting the WHEA-Logger Event ID 18 as well, and my WHEA-Logger is stating the Processor Core is the component that reported the error on each actual reboot occurrence. (more screenshots below these 3)

And here are a couple shots of Kernel events that did not cause a reboot. These I clicked on and highlighted blue. But you can see that they eventually led to a reboot event.


waldo_36, I need to see the Details tab on a few of these errors. On the screen before the posted ones you can select what type of error (check Critical). It still could be the MB or the power supply, but I am leaning to the processor. I suggest to go ahead and open an RMA request. Can you borrow a power supply maybe with a little more power? I would also recommend you open a support request with your MB vendor. Thanks and best of luck, John.


*Edit update - Forgot to mention that the background still goes to black randomly still. I can hover over an icon, the highlight area around the icon goes to black, and the same happens to other icons. I move a window or the task bar, and then the background disappears. I can sometimes get it to come back by moving the task bar back and forth between my screens, sometimes.

Sorry Mr. J, I'm way behind on responding. Fortunately however, I have lowered CPU and SOC voltages slightly more and seem to have some stability. Over the past week, I have not had any freezing and rebooting events. Currently running 3700mhz, CPU 1.15v, and SOC 1.1V.

This picture has the details of the WHEA-Logger. Also, for any of the critical reboot events, the details are the same for the others. Since I recently reloaded windows, I am unable to go back and see the previous WHEA-loggers. However, with the ones that have occurred, I have received these varying Processor APIC IDs: 12, 14, 7, 1, and 0. I have duplicated 12 twice, and all others just once since I completed the "keep your files" windows reload.


waldo_36, but I need to see the Details tab. I worry about your setting voltages to the SOC. Please do a Clear CMOS, then run Cinebench and post a RM image. Use a hosting site so I can see the numbers. Seeing red meters should not be a problem. Every time I run Cinebench several are red but the temperature stays green. Red only says processor is throttling. Compare your results with others with your processor. Enjoy, John.


Why are you pushing 1.5V to the CPU to run 100MHz over the stock base frequency of 3.6GHz?

If you had left everything on Auto it could boost up to 4.4GHz at only 1.35V - that's what it was designed to do.

1.5V VDD constant and 1.2V SOC through that CPU for the last 4 years it's a miracle it lasted this long.

Ryzen R7 5700X | B550 Gaming X | 2x16GB G.Skill 3600 | Radeon RX 7900XT
Ryzen R7 5700G | B550 Gaming X | 2x8GB G.Skill 4000 | Radeon Vega 8 IGP
Ryzen R5 5600 | B550 Gaming Edge | 4x8GB G.Skill 3600 | Radeon RX 6800XT

Well just for you, I changed CPU down to 1.30v and SOC to 1.1v. My background still went black when I opened Adrenilin software.

I have not tested playing Rocket League yet after doing any of these changes to see if it has resolved the freezing and rebooting concern. So I'll do that tonight by recording my desktop to just watch the RM telemetry while I play games.


After 4 years of abuse? Changing it now won't make a diff, the damage has been done. Voltage degradation. It's why it's gotten progressively worse.

Ryzen R7 5700X | B550 Gaming X | 2x16GB G.Skill 3600 | Radeon RX 7900XT
Ryzen R7 5700G | B550 Gaming X | 2x8GB G.Skill 4000 | Radeon Vega 8 IGP
Ryzen R5 5600 | B550 Gaming Edge | 4x8GB G.Skill 3600 | Radeon RX 6800XT