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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Constant Device disconnecting sound on high CPU load

Hi. I've tried to search for existing topic on my issue but couldn't find it. If there was one that I couldn't find, I sincerely apologize.

As title says, I'm having this problem of Windows making constant 'Device disconnected' sound effects when CPU's on high load. For me, best scenario to reproduce this issue is playing Apex Legend. Play for a bit, and this will start happening.

I've found other users using Ryzen CPU (on different motherboard) having similar issue over the net. Some had problem with their mouse being disconnected for a brief moment, some had their wi-fi disconnected for a second. In my case, when this starts to happen, the LED of Wraith Cooler on the CPU will be turned off for a brief moment, and turns back on.

I know I do have PSU that should pump in more than enough power into the system (I have 750W one with Ryzen 2700X, 32GB RAM, 1 SSD and 1 HDD, and single RX 590), but clueless on what I can do to solve this issue. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

19 Replies
Big Boss

abysswalker, " 'Device disconnected' sound"?  The beep-beep when I remove a USB stick?  You just don't know what device it is?  Please post more specifications of your system including OS with version (mine:W10.1809.17763.348).  Also post a screenshot of Ryzen Master (RM).  Thanks and enjoy, John.

EDIT:  Looks like these events are not logged in W10, but NirSoft has a free utility called USBLogView.  I have not used it but have used many NirSoft utilities and suggest you give this one a try and see if it is USB related.  Do you have any strange stuff plugged into a USB?


Hello misterj. Thank you for your reply.

First off, it's this sound that I keep hearing when this starts happening.

Windows 10/ Windows 8 Device Disconnect Sound - YouTube 

Second, I am unable to identify which device's being disconnected when this happens. I have Logitech G603 Mouse, Gaming Keyboard with LED, and 7.1 Channel Headset plugged into USB on my computer, and they all function without problem when this happens. Only device that shows any sign of turning off is the Fan LED, and even that doesn't happen all the time (it seems like, higher the CPU load, more likely for LED to actually turned off and on).

Third, my Windows Version is W10. 1809.17763.316.

Not sure what's the best way to put up detailed info of my system, so here's link to my google drive leading to MSinfo file of my computer. I apologize for some Korean languages in the file, as this system is running in Korean.

Lastly, here's the screenshot of Ryzen Master you've requested.

Ryzen Master on Idle.png This is Ryzen Master when the system is sitting in idle.

Ryzen Master when it's happening.png

And this is the screenshot I captured, when this actually happened.

Please let me know if there are any other information needed.

Thank you.


I am very sorry, abysswalker.  I seem to have missed your response.  I will do some testing but please see about trying the Nirsoft USBLogView as mentioned above.  What kind of CPU cooler do you use?  EDC so high concerns me a lot.  Are you OCing?  What power plan are you using?  The detail is mainly HW specifications.  Here's mine, so can follow them:

MSI X399 Creation, Threadripper 2990WX, 3xSamsung SSD 970 EVO RAID0, 4xSSD 960 EVO on
MSI AeroXpander RAID10, 1TB & 500 GB WD Black, G.SKILL Flare X F4-3200C14Q-32GFX,
Windows 10 x64 Pro, EnerMax-MaxTytan-EDT1250EWT, Enermx Liqtech TR4 280 CPU Cooler,
Radeon RX580, Aquantia 10 GbpS Ethernet NIC, UEFI E7B92AMS.120, AGESA SummitPI-SP3r2-

Thanks and sorry again.  Enjoy, John.


Hello misterj. Once again, thank you for your reply.

Not sure how many of information I can provide about my system to the level of your example, but I'll give out as much as I can.

MSI X470 GAMING PRO CARBON (MS-7B78), AMD Ryzen 7 2700X, x1 Nvme TAMMUZ M720 Pro (1TB), 1x Toshiba HDWD120 (2TB), x4 8GB Samsung RAM 2667Mhz, Radeon Rx 590.

I have not touched any option about OC since I built this system, and running AMD Ryzen Balanced option with HDD turnoff disabled. I am using the Wraith Cooler that came with Ryzen CPU I bought, and the system has total of 6 Fans running (2 from front, 1 Rear, 3 optional fans from top).

Also, I gave a shot with USBLogView today. Fortunately, it did get me some result; when this happens, (according to USBLogView), entire USB Hub where all my 3 devices (Mouse, Keyboard, Headset) are connected to gets unplugged and plugged back in 1 second. Oddly enough, I don't experience any stop of input as I play the game, so maybe the actual period of being disconnected is even shorter than 1 second.

Lastly, I'm not sure if I understand well about the danger of high EDC you've mentioned. Just the fact that it's displayed as red text in Ryzen Master utility bothers me. Is it some serious issue for my system? What can I do to bring it back to normal?

I really appreciate your reply. Thank you.


You are very welcome, abysswalker.  I am glad to help when I can and am sorry I missed your response.  Here is some of my comments on EDC, please take a look.  The fact it is red is a bit misleading.  It simply means you have reached the limit set in RM.  Your processor will throttle when the temperature gets to 85C, or PPT or TDC or EDC gets to 100%.  The processor uses throttling to protect itself from damage.  Do not disable PROCHOT or no protection.  Since your temperature is so far from its limit, I would think allowing the EDC to go higher will be OK.  Now since I do not work for or speak for AMD I cannot bless your use.  Please do read the AMD warnings.  Here is a screenshot of my system running Cinebench using my CB Profile:


I have increased PPT to 400 Watts from the default 250 Watts and it is still hitting 100%.  I decided to stop there - think I can set it to 500 Watts in the BIOS. 

Since it's the only 'funny' thing on your USB, please remove your headset and see if the disconnect sounds stop.  Can you determine the size of your power supply?  Thanks and enjoy, John.

EDIT: Please see here also.


Hello misterj. Sorry if I kept you waiting. For several days, I've tried playing Apex Legend with Gaming Headset unplugged as you've told me. Unfortunately, I've just confirmed that this does not help with this USB disconnecting sounds. I used an regular headset that connects to the Sound port, using only Mouse and Keyboard as USB devices, and it still happens after few games of Apex Legends.

I think I'm seeing another aspect of this phenomenon. You see, when this starts happening, it will continue to do so for a bit even if I quit the game. My guess is that this may have a bit of relationship with CPU temperature, and will happen when the CPU temperature is above certain point after bit of load. When it cools down after idling (or do 'lighter' work), it stops. I've tried turning some of the graphical settings down to decrease the load on the CPU, but no luck.

And here's another odd thing. I only had 2 USB devices plugged in during the recent play sessions, but USBLogViewer still says that 1 Hub and 3 devices has been unplugged/plugged when this happens.


Lastly, could you fill me a bit more about what you meant by 'determine the size of your power supply?' If you meant how much Watt it provides, it's 750W.

Let me know if there's any other info you want me to check.

Thank you.

Big Boss

Thanks much for the screenshot, abysswalker.  I think it shows only one device and its hub.  Please open your Device Manager, expand Human Interface Devices and see if you can find 0003.0000.0000. - double click each entry and look at Location.  Here is one from mine:


When you get here double click an entry (USB Input Device worked best for me) to get the Properties window.  When you find 0001.0000.0000. then click Driver tab and post a screenshot.

The 750 Watt power is what I was asking for and is fine.  Thanks and enjoy, John.


Hello misterj, sorry for the delayed response. Here are the screenshots you've wanted me to post.

While taking screenshots, I confirmed that at least 'General' and 'Driver' tab of all 3 devices were identical. If I take a deep look at each entries under 'Details' tab, there are bit of difference between each devices. However, as all 3 of them are same in General and Driver tab, I'll just put up 1 pair of screenshot. Again, excuse me for some KR language in the UI.


(Just in case, It's saying 'This device is working properly' in the Device Status.)


Please let me know if there's any more info required to look into my issue.

Thank you.


Thanks, abysswalker.  I was hoping you had a down level driver, but yours is the same as mine.  So, right now the only thing I can suggest is to disable the sound.  First, I would agree with mattywylde, and try removing and reinstalling the processor.  When you have it off, please look at the pins carefully (magnifier) to make sure none are bent or broken and there is no paste on any.  Test this before trying my workaround.

To Disable USB sounds: Right click speaker icon in lower right hand corner-click System sound events-click Sounds tab-Scroll down to Device Disconnect-At the bottom under Sounds: Scroll to the top and select (None).  Do this for Device Disconnect and Device Failed to Connect.


Consider this a temperature workaround.  Please search the Internet because that is where I found this and the fact that many have the same problem.  Please let us hear.  Thanks and enjoy, John.


I'll apologise and say I don't have time to read all the responses, but mine did this after months of working properly and re-seating the cpu has permanently fixed the issue. 


Hello mattywylde. Thank you for your response.

Can you tell me if what you meant by "re-seating the cpu" is to temporarily disassemble CPU cooler, re-apply thermal paste on CPU, and assemble related components again and try again?

Will be waiting on your reply. Thank you. 


I mean taking off the CPU cooler, cleaning thermal paste off CPU and CPU cooler, taking CPU out of the socket, re-installing CPU in the socket, apply thermal compound, then re-install the cooler. Being mindful to ensure even pressure on the screws, while not applying too much pressure.

Journeyman III

Constant Device disconnecting sound on high CPU load‌

I have a similar issue recently with my new hardware, the only difference is the CPU usage is not that high, and it only happened with USB 3.0 devices. I'd like to know how is it now? Did you find a solution at last? 

My configuration:

Ryzen R5 3600 + MSI B450 Motar Max + G.Skill SniperX 3600 8G x2 + Sapphire RX 55000XT 8G + SamSung 860 EVO SATA SSD, Windows 10 64bit Build 1809


Hello jamesgao007. Abysswalker here.

Actually, I ended up solving this problem of mine in a very odd way. I contacted the Customer Service of the board's manufacturer and explained the symptom, and their response was to turn up the Fan Speed setting (as in, have my PC's Fan to turn faster even when it's not necessary). I had my doubts, but decided to blame them after I try it. And.... it worked! Sure the fan noise is a bit annoying, but now that annoying sound of device disconnected and connected are thing of the past.

Not sure if the solution that worked for me would work on your PC, but I leave the solution that helped me here for those who are suffering as I did. Fingers crossed to all of you. Good luck.

Thank you.


Hi Abysswalker, thanks a lot for sharing the solution! 

This confirmed my guess, it seems the power supply parts for the USB ports will become overheat (too close to the CPU heat sink? ) so when the CPU load going heavier (in my case, it's about 50%)  and then it causes this problem. 

It will be no problem in the first hour I powered up the computer with a little weight works (using the browsers, etc.) but after 10-15 minutes of gaming, the issue appears, and then become more and more frequent, the frequency of issue could up to 10 seconds. 

I'm going to request a refund and get another motherboard since it's not the user's problem and I do not want a loud fan running all the time. 

Thanks again for sharing the information!   


I've had similar issues. I got MSI X570 Gaming Edge Wifi and AMD Ryzen 9 3900 with BIOS version 7C37v1B, Windows 10 19042.630 (20H2). In short, this is solved by turning DC back to PWM in fan settings in BIOS.

I got those annoying PnP events constantly when I run Windows (I'm usually a Linux guy). I almost thought I got a bad smell for rootkit or something.

I was then monitoring PnP by gpedit.msc -> Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Advanced Audit Polity Configuration -> Detailed Tracking -> Audit PNP Activity -> Success and Failure.

When every time it happens, In Event Viewer -> Windows Logs -> Security, I would then see Plug and Play Events 6416 from the device USB\VID_2516&PID_0051...

I had longer rises and drop edges (0.3 sec rise and 1 sec drop) and DC (instead of PWM) and lowered fan speed configured on the fan in BIOS to avoid similarly annoying squeaking noise (as I'm a quiet SW engineer).

I had similar doubts but instead thought the fan lost power when the motherboard thought we don't need DC to the fan... DC meaning instead of PWM (pulse width modulation) it would be really low in voltage from time to time (esp. the fan is overspinning).

Frustrated as you are I then searched the internet and found your post. And I immediately went into the BIOS and flipped DC back to PWM, for now... and it seems to be ok (running 20+ minutes now as I'm writing this). Other settings are not touched. I don't think AMD forum was the place to post at first... but whose asses are on the line here? Corsair, or MSI? I think the culprit is Corsair. I don't think the fan circuit is drawing from the USB port, as the lights has to shine when it is USB-disconnected. I don't think it is the PSU per se either, as those modules are usually more careful than they really need.

Maybe someone else may come to this post and want to try something similar to ease the pain.

Best and thanks for the info as well.



I wanted to say that I also have this issue, on a MSI 570x Godlike + Ryzen 5950x.
The problem became an issue when using a usb-c hub, and processor on full load (Corsair h115 AIO)

I have fixed the issue of sound alert spam using USBlogView I seems to be the GenericMassStorage devices (sd card etc)
I disabled them in Device Manager and now the issue is resolved. However, I do feel that this shouldnt be an issue at all.



I wanted to say that I also have this issue, on a MSI 570x Godlike + Ryzen 5950x.
The problem became an issue when using a usb-c hub, and processor on full load (Corsair h115 AIO)

I have fixed the issue of sound alert spam using USBlogView I seems to be the GenericMassStorage devices (sd card etc)
I disabled them in Device Manager and now the issue is resolved. However, I do feel that this shouldn't be an issue at all.

Journeyman III

I’m getting the same thing.  5-10 minutes into FS2020 or DCS.  Task manager an AMD anti-crash utility running that I heard may be causing the problem.  I thought I disabled it but it’s doing it again.  I’ll post if I find more info.  I have a homebuilt Ryzen with a Radeon card and W10.