Hows this? Your driver updates must come from the laptop manufacturer. AMD does not offer drivers for those particular laptop/Mobility chips. These are custom designed by the laptop manufacturer to work on a specific laptop model. Maybe in the future it will change > Better late than never: Radeon Software updates will now include support for AMD Ryzen Mobile APUs
But in the mean-time:
AMD recommends using the graphics drivers provided by your notebook's manufacturer (OEM)as the manufacturer has customized the drivers to support the built-in display and the features and functions specific to the notebook. Customized graphics drivers are available for download from most notebook manufacturer's web site.
If the current operating system is not the version originally installed on the notebook it may not meet all requirements and compatible graphics drivers may not be available. Please refer to the notebook manufacturer for supported operating systems and drivers.
AMD Mobility Radeon™ Graphics Driver:
AMD provides generic reference drivers for AMD Mobility Radeon graphics with limited support for notebook specific features and functions.
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