First give the following information according to AMD Forum ; INFORMATION REQUIRED WHEN POSTING A QUESTION
Download the Full set of AMD Drivers from AMD Support for your GPU card unless you have a laptop. If a Laptop need to give the exact Make and Model of Laptop plus APU and iGPU and dGPU installed. The following instructions is for a Desktop or if you have the correct AMD Laptop drivers:
After downloading the correct full set of AMD driver. Delete the following folder if created C:\AMD in the past installation. Disconnect the computer from the internet. This prevents Windows Update from installing a different driver than the one you are trying to install. Use Windows Uninstaller to uninstall the AMD software and driver. Then use DDU in safe mode to complete the total uninstallation of AMD driver set. Reboot.
Reinstall the manually downloaded Full set of AMD driver set and see if you still get the same error. If you do, then you need to follow the link and supply the info that is needed.