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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

Fans do not stop in manual control mode

I noticed that the automatic control of the temperature / speed ratio of the fans has not been performed correctly, causing the plate to become too hot. When a manual control (by the Adrenalin chart) is done, everything is resolved, however, the driver does not allow me to select an acceptable level of temperature where the fans do not need to rotate. Being clearer, the driver makes it impossible for me to leave the idle fans below 45 degrees. Sometimes my board is idle at 30 degrees and the fans continue to spin.

In automatic mode the fans stop at low temperature, but do not efficiently generate the rotation, causing the component to warm up during games.


In manual mode, overheating is resolved, but the driver prevents fans from spinning to less than 35% in any temperature condition, even if the card is completely cold.


AMD, we need to allow control of the rotation in 0% of the fans in manual mode.

Versão do software Radeon - 19.1.1

Edição do software Radeon - Adrenalin 2019

Chipset gráfico - Radeon RX 570 Series

Tamanho da Memória - 4096 MB

Tipo de memória - GDDR5

Clock interno - 1256 MHz

Versão do Windows - Windows 10 (64 bit)

Memória do sistema - 8 GB

Tipo da CPU - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90GHz

5 Replies
Adept I

Trying to be clearer, there is no way to set the fan rotation to less than 35% on the driver curve, and I'd like to set it at 0% up to 45 degrees.



Zero fan mode is only available in automatic mode.

Unfortunately it is not possible to lower fan speed below 35%.

Then the software will have to control the temperature better by the automatic way. My video card is reaching 70 degrees Celsius easily :/


If AMD is doing this out of caution, at least they could lower the minimum to something reasonable like 25%


"In automatic mode the fans stop at low temperature, but do not efficiently generate the rotation, causing the component to warm up during games."

That is what game profiles are for. Not really useful to set these settings in Global. And 70c is not hot at all when under load...the default is 95c.