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PC Drivers & Software

Driver Software Installation Problem


I have a RX 560 4GB OC edition and i have been using it for a while. To play forza horizon 3 i need to use the 17.10.1 version of the driver for a smooth experience but recently i had installed the 18.12.2 version and reverted back to the 17.10.1 only to face this ridiculous issue on every startup:Radeon problem.PNG

Any help would be appreciated to stop this silly intrusion every time i startup my pc.

4 Replies

look carefully, its not asking me to go back to an older version, its telling me that currently installed 17.10.1 and that 17.10.1 is a local driver. This window pops up everytime i restart windows.


So it's showing you that there is a recommended driver and a optional beta that bothering you? Have you turned off notifications/updates in Wattman/CCC 'preferences'? Did you select 'keep me up to date' when you installed the drivers?


exactly, it was bothering me a lot. even though my i kept notifications and updates turned off this silly recommendation kept popping. fyi, i accidentally extracted the 17.10.1 driver files in safe mode before i realised what i was doing. Using DDU or AMD uninstall utility didn'tr help. However, I downloaded and installed 19.1.1 from the amd webpage and voila! its working like a charm so I guess i will go with this update for now. Though the problem of the advisor telling me to downgrade to a 'new recommended 18.12.2 driver' still remains, that ain't bothering me.

Thanks so much for your help. I am really grateful.  btw, I just wanna let amd know that they need to work a bit on fixing forza horizon 3 cuz recent drivers are a mess (lots of stuttering in-game), instead of providing support for new games while breaking support for older ones. Anyways, Thanks Again man