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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

driver reinstall

I really hope you can help.


I  own a gateway i7 running windows 7 perfectly with a hd 5850 graphic card installed and changed it for a  MSI Radeon RX 570 ARMOR 8G and it updated the driver and all worked fine.

But then I took the MSI Radeon RX 570 ARMOR 8G  card out to use in another machine and upon returning the old hd 5850 the original computer it no longer works. It starts booting windows but then hangs at the window logo. I have tried everything and can not get the drivers back into computer to get the he 5850 working again.

things I have tried include:

1 Use windows repair disc. No good.

2 Safe modes boot but did not even boot windows in any of the safe modes.

3 Run in standard vga on the computers original card. No good.

Finally, I put the new MSI Radeon RX 570 ARMOR 8G  card back in and all works again confirming it is not the computer or the windows install.

It seems to be missing the old driver and I have no way of getting it back in as there is no system restore point that seems usable either.

I need this old computer as it has several programs I need and a Blu Ray burner in it too.

If I reload all of Windows 7 again I am sure I will loss the programs and I can not do that.

Please help me reload my old driver.

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