i can't install the new chipset driver for my asus prime x370 board with ryzen 1600.
after downloading and running your install-tool it says: installed
"Lokaler Treiber"
after expess or user installation the tool said "Radeon Software (18.10.) wurde installiert"
but after restart there is no new driver installed. the tool say again 17.50. is currently installed.
The installation process is very fast, too fast i think. there must be a fault.
any helps? thanks!
Edit: cant also install the original actual asus chipsetdriver. (17.8(?)) Same Error.
tried with "run as admin" and without bitdefender.
2nd edit:
after reinstalling windows10 (clean install) the installation again doesn't work.
Who could install the actual driver?
I have the exact same problem.... I can install the chipset driver 18.10 but when i install the displaydriver the chipset gets reverted back to 17.50. Is this supposed to happend? If i try to install the chipset driver version 18.10 again its like nothing happens. Afer restart it still shows 17.50.
I have the exact same problem.... I can install the chipset driver 18.10but when i install the displaydriver the chipset gets reverted back to 17.7. Is this supposed to happend? If i try to install the chipset driver version 18.10 again its like nothing happens. Afer restart it still shows 17.7
Glad to hear im not the only one with this issue. I given up tryin to solve it. Just going to w8 for the next driverupdate. Hope the next graphics driver will resolve it. (why the chipset drivers is included in em is a mystery to me)
i bought the nvidia RTX 2060... no more problems...