I'm having a system error that keeps coming back.
The funny thing is when I found this error I was not even using Ryzen Master on my PC.
So I thought, oh must be some automated error from the chipset drivers so I downloaded Ryzen Master because than it could actually find the driver.
Sadly logic does not win here and the error continues.
I found out that I'm supposed to delete the register entry of the "older" driver. So I went ahead and deleted this.
Rebooted and pow the error is back and also is the register entry,...
I have 2 register entry's now. AMDRyzenMasterDriver (no idea where it comes from) and AMDRyzenMasterDriverV13 (from my install of Ryzen master).
Removing the AMDRyzenMasterDriver does not nothing it get's "regenerated" and so the error starts again.
Another error is the regi-service error where it can not find the file, so I assume it's a error that says the ryzenmasterdriver error is there,...
How can I solve this ?