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PC Graphics

Adept I

Rx550 Fan not spinning

After around half year of using Rx550

Today my gpu started to work very loud so i tunred my pc off n let it cool off

But after that my fan stop working overall .

Its not a Used Gpu i bought if straight from a shop .

The signal n monitor works all perfectly but the fan simply do not spin at all .

I use a VGA to Hdmi adapter

XFX Radeon RX 550 Single Slot 4GB GDDR5 (128 bit)

I tried to switch the GPU to a 2 PCI slot

1st it did't see the drivers yet the fan was working i rebooted my pc when it wanted

The drivers loaded n the fan stop working once more .

So am sure the fan works 100% now but how to make it run again .

1 Solution

This is what your panel should be like. None of that fan control settings you have set. Leave it at Automatic

View solution in original post

30 Replies

I believe that the RX 4xx and RX 5xx series GPU cards, the fans won't start until it reaches a certain temperature. On my Asus card, it is at 60 degrees centigrade. But the fans should start temporarily as the computer is booting up and then stop by itself once Windows boots up.

Do you have any 3rd party OC software installed similar to MSI Afterburner or Asus Tweak II? If so, uninstall it but first put everything back to "default" before uninstalling the software.

Then activate and strictly use AMD WATTMAN to configure your GPU fan(s) to start at a certain temperature range. Someone else is going to need to show you the proper configuration on WATTMAN so that the GPU fans will run correctly.

You can always check your GPU card by using a diagnostic free software called OCCT.  It will stress test your gpu card and at the same time check for GPU Errors. During the test you can check to see if the fan starts up when the GPU starts getting hot.


Its Rx 5xx series yes but the fan works from the start not for reaching a certian temperature.

I did not use any boosting software or  boost the card in radeon offical programs .

The card was simply open out of the box inserted into my pc n it ran .

N when the fan's started working on  the Gpu had over 70C so i don't want to stress tess it tbh ( i had only steam open at that time )

n the fan was using only 17-27% of is speed .

I did check the temperature n its fan speed on GPU-Z so i know its correct .


You need to use WATTMAN to properly configure your GPU card. Someone like kingfish​ or somebody else can help you with configuring your RX 5xx series card so that the fans turn on when it should.

The Fans DO turn on then, but not at full speed when it reaches 70 degrees centigrade or higher right?

AMD graphics performance

Open Wattman. Set your temperature and fan speed like below: ​Remember to click 'apply' and do not change any other setting. Leave them alone.


Also, make sure your computer power plan is set to 'Performance'

Sadly I set the fan to manual settings target temperature to 43 ( the lowest ) tested it till it reached around 50C + the fan did not respond.

I will simply send the card on warranty but thank you for your help I hoped the manual settings would work tho .


Did you also lower the 'max' shown?


Yes i set the target temperature to 43C n the Maximal to 75C ( it was 90C on default)

Yet the fan did't start after it reached 50C i give it around 5-10 min after i did reach that state


I don't really understand. To help..Can you play a game or intensive program and run hardware monitor during that time? Then check hardware monitor...take a screenshot and post it.


Heres that Screen u wanted to see honestly i doubt u will figure anything out .

Everything seems fine to me besides the Fan Speed



kingfish​ mentioned to upload it while "UNDER LOAD" like during a game or graphic intensive program. At 54 degrees centigrade, your Fans won't start on the GPU card. Seems like your computer is under light load or idling by what you have posted.

Edit: When I mentioned your GPU Fans won't start at 54 degrees centigrade is if you are not using any software to control the fans like Wattman.


I think the issue is here...third party controllers:

XFX True Clock Technology

Always running at the best speeds

Software controlled clock speed optimizers can be hindered by overall computer performance, heavy loads can cause it to misread the maximum potential clock speed of the graphics card at any given moment. XFX's True Clock however is hardware controlled clock speed performance optimization so it's always running at peak performance all the time.

All New Zero dB Auto Load Sensing Fans

Power when you need it and quiet when you don't.

XFX fans are equipped to run at the highest possible performance, while our Zero DB Fan System will also keep your fans running at efficient RPM in order to minimize annoying fan noise by lowering RPM all the way down to Zero RPM. When the heat is on during intense gaming, our fans will speed up as needed.

Then is similar to Asus GPUs that uses the same type of 0DB feature.

And has the same issues with Wattman.

The fix is the same as with any of the third party controls....disable/delete and use Wattman settings...or never activate Wattman or use it's controls, and use the card's graphics controls.


I preformed some test as u wanted with heavy load n those are the results

The only thing is when i install the Drivers my Ethenrt disappears but i guess i can fix that with a PC format .

I was a little worried since after 2 min i did reach 60C but the fan gone high speed .But it was loud as never before but it did its job keeping the 50-57C on High pressure .

And After the pressure was off the fan was working all the time even when the temperature was lower that the Target was set to (43C)

So am kinda suprised but i guess its working good but it might have to do something with my windows now .

Start of high pressure

Working 1.png

Game Lobby :


After The High work



These settings are way high. Have you reset your settings..and used the ones I posted? Without changing your fan speed? From the default setting..Automatic? Doesn't look like it.


This is what your panel should be like. None of that fan control settings you have set. Leave it at Automatic

Yes i only touched the Target temperature

Everything else was set to automatic

And i do no use anything besides the orginal radeon GPU drivers

I did not install anything else besides that or at least i do not see anything else in my process list


Target Temperature, Max Temperature, and Power Limit should be the ones you change...not just the Target. Can you post another screenshot of your they are now? Also, none of this is going to make a difference if you have XFX programs running that counter every setting you make in Wattman. See the post above.


I did change the Target temperature n its max . I won't mind it using as much power as it need but the thing is i did't give it that high of a load

I tested the card before on the same game n honestly i did't hear the fan at that time (at least it wasn't that loud)

N the setting were Max temperature 75C terget temperature 43C.

I do not use any 3rd party software to adjust anything that have to do with CPU/GPU in anyway.


These programs...listed above...install automatically when you install the card. They will have default settings that will interfere with Wattman settings. Check your services or the XFX program itself.

Asus is a good example...they are installed automatically.

defaul radeon wattman settings have been restored due to unexpected system failure rx480 8gb


I did not notice any programs to be honest .

Am suprised the fan started wroking this time even if its a a bit to strong .

But the thing is i had to give it a high load to make it start .

I downloaded the drivers from AMD site so the only side program that it could install was Radeon ReLive but thats a streaming program .

I will try to make some tests tommorow when does the fan starts to spin when does it slow down/ tun off

N how much load does it need to active the fan  ( the last thest was with a lower GPU useage but it did reach over 50C

While the last test i put the card in a high cpu ussage non stop for 5=10 min

While on low gpu usage (for around 30-40 min ) the fan did not start even when the gpu reached above target temperature for few min .


You should search for the two programs I mentioned above..they are there. I do not know what they are named, other than what XFX calls them in their advertising. They are activated by default and must have a disable function..spend the time to find them.

XFX True Clock Technology

Always running at the best speeds

Software controlled clock speed optimizers can be hindered by overall computer performance, heavy loads can cause it to misread the maximum potential clock speed of the graphics card at any given moment. XFX's True Clock however is hardware controlled clock speed performance optimization so it's always running at peak performance all the time.

All New Zero dB Auto Load Sensing Fans

Power when you need it and quiet when you don't.

XFX fans are equipped to run at the highest possible performance, while our Zero DB Fan System will also keep your fans running at efficient RPM in order to minimize annoying fan noise by lowering RPM all the way down to Zero RPM. When the heat is on during intense gaming, our fans will speed up as needed.

Ok today i had some more free time on my hands and i did a clean instaltion on my PC

And i did not notice anything besides baisc radeon drivers .(I can post u my process screenshot or Services )

I will try to set the wattman a bit n test how it reacts with those settings .( I will be only touching The temperature settings n Fan settings)


You should not touch the fan setting...leave it at default (automatic).


The thing is when i set the temperature settings to manual

The fan settings go manual . N if i set fan to automtic the temperature go automatic .


Whatever it says...just don't change the fans. Try it..if it doesn't work correctly, notify AMD Email Form

Play a game or use a demanding application while hardware Monitor is running in the background. Afterwards, take a screenshot of the results and post it.


Ok everything works fine after the GPU will hit around 50 C the fan starts working n its speen Incresses to keep the target temperature .

But i think 43C is a way to low settings to keep it at with 1 Fan without the fan going 4200RPM to keep it at n without making noise .

So i guess now am sure the GPU works fine the wattman settings with the target temperature was a good idea . I might had someting that interupted my drivers settings .The fan slows (kinda very slow ) but after the workload it lower the CPU to 29/30C


The fan will gradually slow down after the temperature comes down. That's normal. If I were you, I would get used to the fan noise...or your going to wind up back where you started.

Anyhow, glad you have everything sorted out

Haha i could rise The target temperature to 50-55C to make her more silent cuz keeping her at 43C is lower that most card run at on heavy load .

Music mutes the fan at 4kRPM but when its goes to 2.5k RPM its hard to detect the GPU fan from my normal fan's sound.

Am glad it is working properly

And a big thanks to you : elstaci n kingfish

For helping me out find a solution .

Adept II

Rx550 4gb ddr5 fan will automatically shut off unless you want it always on using amd setting app.

The fan will turn on when certain conditions are met such as the temperature etc.

Relax there's nothing to worry, the only thing you need to worry are the bugs xD

Anyways I know this is a solved topic but just want to boost a little and remove some doubts. ^_^