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Adept II

Driver crash on No Man's Sky

Anyone else have random crashes while playing? Tends to happen at about two hours of playing. Sometimes two hours and twenty minutes, two hours and sixteen minutes, etc.

Its really annoying because the last two times its happened I missed out on getting goodies from a sentinel pillar and the chance to get a sentinel freighter.

I'm trying to figure out if its the game or the drivers causing it.

When it happens my main monitor goes semi transparent (almost black) and I can't see anything. I can see very faint outlines of the desktop but not enough to see the AMD error reporting window. So I can't even submit the report to AMD. Is there a log file that I could post that would show what caused it? Or some other log somewhere on my system?

I'm going to take a photo the next time it happens.
4 Replies
Journeyman III


I understand how frustrating this can be, especially when it disrupts your gameplay and you miss out on important in-game rewards. Here are a few steps you might consider to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Update Drivers: Ensure your AMD drivers are up to date. Sometimes, older drivers can cause compatibility issues with newer game updates.

  2. Check Game Files: Verify the integrity of the game files through Steam or the respective platform you're using. Corrupted files can cause crashes.

  3. Monitor Temperatures: Overheating can cause crashes. Use a tool like HWMonitor or MSI Afterburner to check your GPU and CPU temperatures while playing.

  4. Lower Settings: Try lowering the in-game graphics settings to see if that reduces the frequency of crashes. Sometimes, specific settings like shadows or textures can cause instability.

  5. Event Viewer: Windows Event Viewer can be helpful to identify what happened just before the crash. Look under Windows Logs > System and Application for any critical errors around the time of the crash.

  6. Log Files: For No Man's Sky, you can check the game’s log files located in the game directory. Sometimes they provide clues about what's causing the issue.

  7. Submit a Ticket: If you're still having issues, consider submitting a ticket to Hello Games support with details about your crash. They might have more specific solutions or be aware of known issues.

As for the AMD error reporting, if the screen goes dark and you can’t see the error window, you might try using a secondary monitor to see if the error report appears there. Additionally, you can manually check for crash reports in the AMD folder located in C:\Program Files\AMD\CNext\CNext\crashreports.

Hopefully, some of these suggestions help, and you can get back to enjoying No Man's Sky without the interruptions. Let me know if any of these work for you or if you need further assistance!


1. Already have latest drivers.

2. I'll do that when I get home

3. Temps are fine. Being winter they go up to 80°C 

4. Will have to fiddle with that to see what's what. Doubt it has anything to do with that. I play more graphically intense games like Alan Wake 2 that don't have the crashing problem.

6. Working on that. 

7. I've submitted a ticket to AMD. I'll submit one to Hello Games when I get home. 


I've disabled Riva Tuner, MSI Afterburner and MPO. I played for an hour last night and no crashes. I'll have to try and play for three hours to see what happens. Usually it occurs at the two hour mark. I suspect that it was probably Riva Tuner causing it. 


 I do have a second monitor and I can see the AMD error report tab in the taskbar but I can't access it as the window is on my main monitor. Is there anyway I could move it with shortcut keys?


I haven't played two hours straight, more like 1 hour. But no problems for me with 7900 xtx. You might check the event viewer to find the crash reason. Perhaps running out of memory due to slight memory leak would be my first wild guess.


I have 32GB of RAM and 24GB of VRAM. Most games don't even use 10GB VRAM.


I'm not running out of RAM lol.