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Journeyman III

WHEA logger 18 issues, artifacting

Hello everyone,

I've been having issues with WHEA Logger 18 for a while now, (black screen in the middle of gaming, audio hanging/buzzing for a second, then pc reboots), and with it happening in more and more games that I play now, I feel like I want to finally stop it. It started back in 2021 with just a few games that had Easy Anti Cheat, like Rust and Apex, but now it happens in basically every game I own, except for Rainbow Six Siege, COD MWII, and Valorant, and I'm getting tired of only playing those three games. Sometimes a certain game will stop having issues for periods of time, like Fortnite for over a year, but it too came back recently.

I have tried almost all of the solutions that have helped other people when they have had the problem, from changing the Typical Power setting in the bios, changing ram timings and voltage, reducing clock speeds, updating drivers/bios, rolling back drivers/bios, to reinstalling Windows. I just want help trying to diagnose which specific part may be causing the issue. My PC is a little over 3 years old now, so I know I'm kind of screwed warranty wise for most parts, but it's whatever. AMD was kind enough to replace my CPU though back when I was still in warranty, so I'm pretty sure that that isn't the issue. The only extra component I have direct access to for component testing is a GT 1030, otherwise I'd have to ask my friend. This is the most recent WHEA Logger 18 dump file that I have:

Anyways, here are my specs:

CPU: 3700X

Motherboard: ASRock X470 Taichi

Ram: 4x8gb Crucial Ballistix 3200Mhz

GPU: MSI Gaming X 5700XT

Drives: HP EX920 1TB NVMe, Seagate 2TB HDD


I will also mention that I have been recently experiencing some graphical artifacting when scrolling through or moving my mouse around on different apps, and I have linked a video I get while viewing Discord streams combined with Groove Music. Here is the video: When I tried to replicate the Discord one again, it ended up going to a black screen which I had to restart to get out of, but my friends could still hear me talking before the restart.

I really appreciate any help I can get, I just want these issues to be over with so I can play games that I have been unable to play for months, due to the crashing. It really is quite frustrating. 

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