It's the same story as it has been. AMD has good value due to the cost of multiple cores. Intel is for those that want better single core performance, and willing to pay extra for it. Saying they destroy their intel counterparts is a bit much, then you go on to call those disagreeing with your view of the Navi release as "shills". I don't think you are viewing this critically enough.
Navi drivers and cooling are a joke. From the release notes:
And these are only the known issues.
As far as Synthetic benchmarks go, they are a waste as far as I am concerned, when real application/game benchmarks exist and tell you exactly how much of a difference new hardware makes.
Intel does seem to be a hard sell at this point. The single core performance is so close now that AMD and Intel will perform identically in 99% of gaming scenarios, not to mention losing performance in productivity applications.
But yes, that was the tag line for the 1800X as well. Good enough for gaming, better than Intel in everything else.
Yes,the difference is narrowed even more now. Intel has slightly better SC performance. After switching back to amd for GPU, and dealing with their drivers, I wouldn't touch an amd product. I would pay the premium for intel just to stay away from amd drivers, but that's just me. The value is clearly in favor of amd.
That 1800X still shows up quite favorably in the benchmarks. I haven't watched motherboard prices, but it seems like the new boards are quite expensive. When looking last night, there seems to be a large portion of boards over $300, and several at $700.
I'm not sure what the point of the X570 series is really. Sure, it has PCIe 4.0, but beyond that, what is the benefit? The chipset draws vastly more power that the previous iterations, but it doesn't seem like all that extra juice creates any additional headroom. The 3000 series CPUs seem to perform identically in X470 boards, with lower power consumption.
Maybe all that power handling will be needed for the 16 core CPU, but so far, I don't see much reason to shell out the money.