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General Discussions

Adept I

Password reset not working on community site.


     Recently I tried to log back into the community website here.  For some reason, my password did not work, so I tried to reset my password.   I've tried several times over the last few months, and with several different browsers.  The page keeps returning that my email address is not valid.   I've had this email address for over 20 years, and it hasn't changed.   This site is the only one I'm having problems with.   Any ideas???

P.S.  I set up another email address I have with a new login to post this message.   Would like to recover my existing login with my history intact.  Thank you.


3 Replies

@Sam_AMD , @Matt_AMD or @Ray_AMD  sounds like a issue with the AMD Forum's program.

EDIT: I forgot to mention I had a similar issue with another website that was updating the software for the website. It made my Login ineffective. I was told to reset and create a new password.

But whenever I tried it refused because it kept telling me my email address already is an active email address. So it was impossible for me to change my password and log in with my main email address.

Finally after about 2-3 months later I was finally able to reset my password and then login to the Website. I complained several times to no affect in the past. So it seems they finally got the new website software working correctly.

So the only thing that came to my mind was they were still debugging the new Website software when I was trying to reset my password and couldn't.

Appreciate the input, but this has been going on for about 6 months.   When I try to register with my main email address, the system tells me that the email address is already in use, so can't re-register.  The error message when asking for the password email to be sent to my address is "invalid email address" and no link is sent out to reset my password.

Thanks anyway.

The AMD Moderators are the only one that can find out why you are having this issue. So you just need to wait until one of the Moderators should answer and fix your email address issue.