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General Discussions

Adept I

Motherboard for Gamer 🤨🤨🤨

Yeah, that's what I imagine from the motherboard. A brand new model for gamer?

For GPU with Bandwidth 384 bits on 64 bits x 6 

2022_06_19 1 h 33 a.m. Office Lens.jpg

7 Replies
Big Boss

You wouldnt have enough 4x PCIe lanes for that many nvme running the "regular" Ryzen. You would need a Threadripper. 

The Englishman

Who knows with ryzen 7000

Adept II

Is that X58 with M.2 support, lol


Since Crossfire and SLI died off with DX11, and MultiGPU as been poorly supported by developers in the Vulkan/DX12 present, there isn't much of a purpose for 2 PCIe ports in a gaming rig/

Full blown ATX should have 2 at least, good for troubleshooting. I had a board with a broken slot before. 

The Englishman

You also know Network and RAID adapters work off of PCIe as well?

Adept I

A Quad channel on a range of 256 bit and 3.375 ghz Or Dual Channel on a range of memory at 128 bit and 6.75 ghz for more compatibility. These are options already used but for the APU.