I'm looking for an AMD laptop that doesn't have an OS included. It seems these just don't exist.
Minimum requirements are 32 GB RAM and running 2 external displays so I could get work done.
Non-US (Nordic) keyboard layout would be a bonus.
You might try Dell. I have in the past bought machines at a bit of a discount from them, sans OS.
I just did. The very best AMD system they have has a spinning hard drive, 8 GB RAM and Windows 10. No, thanks. Better specs are available only by choosing Intel. They have the XPS 15 with an Intel CPU and AMD graphics but it's limited to up to 16 GB RAM and you must buy Windows.
Too bad. It unfortunate but many of the laptop makers AMD choices are the low end models. Maybe contact ASUS?
Asus does have AMD systems that are not trash. But is Linux (Ubuntu) going to work?
No idea, I would ask ASUS or post a list of the hardware in a forum for ubuntu and ask experience Linux users.
I would ask ASUS or post a list of the hardware in a forum for ubuntu and ask experience Linux users. Psiphon
You might try Sager or Clevo laptops...most can be configured.
I would suggest asking this question on a Linux site, like Phoronix, https://www.phoronix.com/forums/ but it's going to be -extremely- difficult, if not impossible, to find one built for Linux outright, namely because Intel loves to give away their mobile processors to keep AMD out of the market.