Hello, I recently purchased a new Ryzen 2200G APU for a PC build and was surprised to see the FPS I was getting in most titles.
Accordiong to the typical benchmark on YouTube, this APU should be getting around 80FPS in Overwatch on 1080p whereas I can barely get 30FPS.
Same story with CSGO, should be able to get a respectable 100FPS on low while I can't even get 60FPS.
Specs -
MSI B350 Gaming Pro AM4
Ryzen 2200G W/Vega 8 (2GB RAM allocated VRAM)
8GB 2666 Systeam RAM
450W EVGA 80+ Bronze PSU
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You a killing the perf with DDR4-2400 and those timings and running single channel. That alone is 3-4X slower than running DDR4-3200 CL14 Dual Channel.
because your RAM is the bottleneck
since day 1 for APUs RAM-speed did matter and VASTLY improves performance
That can't be the problem. I've seen benchmarks of people with SLOWER RAM than 2666 and even they are getting better FPS than I am
i HIGHLY doubt that - do you speak about APUs or CPUs with dGPU?
1st 8GB 2666er RAM isnt fast -> ONE dimm or TWO? 2x4G is faster than 1x8G - due to dual-channel
2nd 8G isnt much - so if you play CSGO it takes 5G and 2G for iGPU - so not much left for the system
show me Memory tab of CPU-Z and provide info how you show your FPS
I;m talking about Raven Ridge APUs
First of all, CSGO has never used more than 1G of VRAM on my good PC. Heres the benchmark video I was talking about, I get about 1/3 of that FPS Ryzen 3 2200G APU vs RAM DDR4-2133 vs 2400 vs 2666 vs 3200 MHz - YouTube
Also, my RAM usage never goes above 50% when playing games, also my CPU/iGPU usage stays really low
I'm using 1x8GB
EDIT - I'm using the in game FPS counter for CSGO/Overwatch so there is no performance detriment
R5 2400G APU Memory Benchmarks & Single vs. Dual-Channel - YouTube
understand that
Please be sure that your bios is update.
Please be sure that your APU drivers are update. IF not you can download DDU, remove the drivers in safe mode and reinstall the last APU drivers.
Check you bios configuration and also check you rig t°, cpu/gpu, mb, etc.
I have the latest drivers for everything and the latest BIOS on my MSI B350 Board. Windows does see the Vega 8 GPU FYI
"I'm using 1x8GB" -> there is your problem
Your PC has only ONE stick to use - so when the Game and System access the ram (what they do) your iGPU has to wait for its turn to access RAM
But the thing is, I've seen people have twice as many FPS as I do with 1X8GB 2400! the RAM is not the problem
Here's a guy getting 40FPS with 1x8GB 2400 whereas I get 12~
You are completely right, dual channel memory help with performances.
But here it seems the user have performances well bellow what single channel and slow memory would give.
Did you clean windows install when you installed the new rig or it come from an old windows install?
I built this PC completely from scratch, the only things I am reusing are the RAM (from an intel G4560 build a while ago) and the PSU which was in use for only 2 or 3 days
What does Task Manager's CPU, Memory and GPU tabs show when you're playing CSGO? Things to make note of is CPU utilization, is it maxed? Same goes for Memory and GPU utilization/memory usage.
The CPU and GPU utilization are minimal, around 40/50%. The memory is about 50/60% when gaming and 20% at idle
I'd double check my CPU frequency while gaming just to make sure there isn't something that's causing it to throttle.
There is 0 throttling, I keep a stable 3.8
pls show us CPU-Z screen and also its memory tab
reinstall Win10
dont install any "unneeded" (trash) software
disable Win10 Defender (via reg-file - just google it)
install latest AMD Driver
test again
i HIGHLY doubt that you find a better CPU + GPU + MoBo Combo for 200$ish
and i think you did some errors - its NOT AMDs fault
btw - if you could test what i wrote last time it would be great - so others can see where the error is
I realize that it is probably something I did and I don't really mind, it's just as easy to return it.
Also I did find a faster build for under 200$
Pentium G4560 (yeah I know it's a dual core but this system is purely for 1080p gaming) - 60$
Asrock PRO-HDV Motherboard - 50$
GTX 750ti - 60$
It's faster and it saves me alot of money and fustration
You can't compare used with new.
If you need to compare, please use apple to apple comparison.
I also had much greater experience with second hand stuff than new. This not mean i can mix the two thing together.
If you are happy to sent it back it's ok, saying on a AMD forum, that it did not work and just prefer sent it back, is not the best advice you could give to someone else.
That all, i would have enjoyed to dig more into your issue to help you to solve it.
I agree and I would've loved to fix this, thank you to everyone for their help!
If you start buying used anything can happen. I think he was expecting too much out of 2200G and gave up way to easy.
I've spent 5 days (about three hours everyday) trying to fix this. No need to be a jerk on the forums.
Also, I didn't expect much, I just wanted my friend to be able to run Overwatch at 60FPS 1080p and CSGO at 100FPS lowest, not much to ask. And if you actually read the previous posts then you'd realize (that is, if you're able to think at this point) that I was getting below average performance with exactly the same hardware, if not better. And my experiences buying used so far have been more enjoyable than buying new, lower prices are always a good thing. I've never been scammed or have a product bought not work. I already have the other parts for this build anyways
what you posted is nowhere near as powerfull as this R5 2200G
try this:
INSTALL WIN7 (Win10 is really in need of an SSD)
DISABLE Win7 Defender - via Reg file
go into BIOSOC RAM via XMP
try again
I've already pulled the APU out, sorry for sounding like a jerk but I don't have the time nor patience for this.
Also, Will it Play? - Overwatch - Ryzen 3 2200G - VEGA 8 - Benchmark - YouTube There's Overwatch hitting 70FPS 1080p
and here's CSGO hitting 100FPS and beyond on lowest Ryzen 3 2200G Review CS:GO Gameplay Benchmark. Vega 8 iGPU - YouTube
I also have another question, since I am returning this APU, will I get a refund from AMD? Newegg says it doesn't accept returns for this product
AMD doesn't do refunds. Assuming your CPU is malfunctioning, they will happily send you a replacement though. But in most cases like this it's best to get your replacement product through Newegg.
Newegg won't send me a replacement. And there's so way to get a refund?!
If there's nothing wrong with the CPU why would they send a replacement? ... As for refunds, you were obviously aware there was a no-refund policy in place. So (best I can tell) your options are to sell it or keep it and try to figure out what's wrong.
Well, I guess I am going to try to get it working so reply whatever I can do to help the problem TO THIS!
Thanks for the help in advance!
i already did
follow those steps:
INSTALL WIN7 (Win10 is really in need of an SSD)
DISABLE Win7 Defender - via Reg file
go into BIOSOC RAM via XMP
try again
also - provide pictures of your bios-settings and what CPU-Z and HWiNFO says...
CPU-Z only shows my iGPU at 1100 when I overclocked it to 1700 CPU-Z only Shows my RAM at 1200MHz at all times!
Everything seems as it should be in this tab
You a killing the perf with DDR4-2400 and those timings and running single channel. That alone is 3-4X slower than running DDR4-3200 CL14 Dual Channel.
fpsdoge wrote:
CPU-Z only shows my iGPU at 1100 when I overclocked it to 1700
CPU-Z is showing your graphics card's current state. It's most likely idling here. If you put a load on it, that should shoot up to whatever you've over clocked it to.
fpsdoge wrote:
CPU-Z only Shows my RAM at 1200MHz at all times!
DDR = Double Data Rate. Long story short, DDR transfers data on the rise and fall of the clock. So you multiply the frequency by two and you get the RAM's actual speed.
zealotki11er is most likely right. You should look into some better RAM or at least another stick of whatever kind you have.
as i said
1. you didnt use XMP for your RAM - so it runs with VERY slow settings...
2. i dont know if a OC to 1700MHz is stable on the iGPU...
I was stressing both the iGPU and CPU in Overwatch when I took those screenshots, also my RAM is clocked at 2666
Anyways, I'm pretty sure you're right about the RAM, I will be investing in a 750ti very soon to remedy this problem, found a nice deal on one.
Thank you everyone for the great help!
That's probably for the best. As wonderful as APUs are for office work, even an older discrete card is still usually better when it comes to games.
Agreed, picking one up today for 60$. What a steal.
actually a r5 2400G has 1.75 TFLOPS - an RX 550 has 1.4TFLOPS - so its not useless
but a 960 or similar has more power