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Drivers & Software

Adept II

Adrenalin 24.6.1 and 24.7.1 cause system freeze and restart

I could not update to the latest video driver versions because any game i would try to play my pc freeze and restart. I'm still on 24.5.1 which works perfectly. I looked in the event viewer and every restart it generates: "The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x000000d1". (Event ID 1001) Freeze and restart every time I try to start a game. It doesn't matter which one. If i don't try to open a game, everything works, no freeze or restart happens. I have Sapphire RX 7800XT Nitro+ and Ryzen 3600, Windows 10. Windows is up to date. Until version 24.6.1 i never encountered such big problems and i am an old AMD user, but now i simply cannot start any game because the system restarts. The only solution was to reinstall 24.5.1. Does anyone have any advice or ideas?

122 Replies
Adept II

I haven’t gotten any crashes, that I’ve tried to test, but I’m getting the exact same stuttering problems from 24.7.1 as I did in 24.6.1. I did clean installs, reset shader cache. I had to reinstall 24.5.1 which also works perfectly fine for me. I have a 7900XT. 

Which game engine?  Just curious..  I’ve had stutters with my 7900xt hound and it was my cpu getting up to 80percent usage. Only could see it if metrics was recording.  FRS on or off?

I had major game crash problems when I clean installed 24.7.1, but upgrading from 24.5.1 to 24.7.1 without resetting was fine. Try clean installing 24.5.1 and then upgrade to 24.7.1 without resetting and see if it helps. It still gets driver hangs, but no more than any earlier versions did.

Ryzen 7800x3d
Powercolor Hellhound 7900xtx
Asus ROG B650E-F
MasterLiquid ML360L ARGB V2
Corsair DDR5-6000 32GB
Samsung 990 Pro 2TB
Adept I

I have same problem since 24.6.1 drivers. As soon as Im starting any game mu CPU usage and temps skyrocket and my PC is restarting. Also those drivers mess with my USB ports and need to wait 2min to be able to use my mouse and keyboard while logging in to windows login screen.. very broken drivers 24.6.1 and 24.7.1.. I tried to install them on clean windows after PC format and they still restart my pc while launching any game… Im on 24.5.1 where all working well. 

Windows 10 (updated)

RX 7900XT, Ryzen 7600X, 32GB RAM, 850W PSU


Please fix your drivers AMD!

  The issues you're describing very much sound like corrupt Windows Dlls and unfortunately a system reset is the only way to solve your issue so reset your system and say goodbye to your issues

Adam J Martin

I fortmat my system 5 times since last month and its always up to date so its not Windows!


I have problems with 24.6.1 and 24.7.1 alsono restarts just gives error Message and will not start game Need for Speed Unbound Says rx 6700 xt not Detected but all other games so far are working, if i ddu and install 24.5.1 it works just fine so its not windows its the drivers


I have the exact same issue as described above and so do a lot of other users, surely there cannot be a mass of corrupt Windows Dlls all the same?


 It was corrupt windows files for me fixed the issue however im not happy having to reinstall windows and have to download everything again

Adept II

This alphanumeric error code usually indicates a problem with your device driver or the interaction between drivers. Most Windows users receive this error code when a driver tries to access an invalid memory space, causing a system crash.
From an outdated or incompatible device driver to faulty hardware or corrupted system files are some of the common reasons users have reported for the “0x000000D1” BSOD error.
-Corrupt or outdated drivers
-Memory issues
-Hardware issues
-Virus or malware issue
-Interference from antivirus or security software
-System service issues
-Incompatibility of backup tools during system upgrades

-network driver

uninstall graphics card drivers with AMD Cleanup Utility
-pc data cleanup
reinstall graphics card drivers from the official amd website...don't forget to reset to factory settings before you press the install button
24.7.1 or 24.4.1 , very good


I installed 24.7.1 and 24.6.1 on clean windows (updated) after formating my pc and after MOBO drivers were installed from official website. I dont understand whats the problem where 24.5.1 works perfectly fine… Why my CPU jumps to 95 degrees while starting the games which causes my pc to restart on 24.6.1 and 24.7.1 while

on 24.5.1 temps are below 80 degrees and game starts normally…

Also why 24.6 and 24.7 mess my usb ports and make my mouse and keyboard unable to use for 2min after system restart?

You do sound like the chipset driver is fubared too. Try the Amd cleaner software and check the boxes for clean install when reinstalling.  Reboot after each.  I’ve had mouse issues months ago and did have to clean and reinstall twice before it got whatever out of its system.  lol. I believe it was Jan 2024 drivers on a 7800 hellhound card.


I know you want to help and i thank you for that. But you are not helping. I know what that code error means and i uninstall and install those drivers using AMD Cleanup Utility. If the problem was from something else, then i would have had the same problem on 24.5.1. That error appears when i install 24.6.1 or 24.7.1. Not on 24.5.1. So the problem is those 2 version of the driver for me, and for others from what i can see, not something else from my computer.  With 24.5.1 there is no problem, not one. No stutter, no crash, no driver time out, nothing. 

I second this, I am working with a clean Windows install and have the exact same issues, with the exact same symptoms and the exact same resolution. It has nothing to do with corrupt Windows files. 

BTW, I am a Windows Systems Engineer for a living, I work on Windows issues all day every day. This is a driver issue.

Ryzen 7800x3d
Powercolor Hellhound 7900xtx
Asus ROG B650E-F
MasterLiquid ML360L ARGB V2
Corsair DDR5-6000 32GB
Samsung 990 Pro 2TB

  Reinstalling windows was the only thing that worked for me so im not so sure about that!!!


So I can no longer play any pc games. I don’t know what has happened but ever since Friday July 19th, every game I load up stutters, has low frames, or even crashes (especially if I tab out) I have done a clean install of windows twice and then tried a bunch if different AMD drivers from 24.7.1, 24.5.1, 24.4.1, and nothing is working for me…. What do I do? Please help I haven’t been able to play anything since last Friday and I just want to figure out this issue. I have a Radeon rx 6950xt (less than 7 months old), Ryzen 7 7800x3D cpu, 32gb (2x16) of Corsair ddr5 6000mhz RAM, and Windows 11.


downgrade adrenaline with guaranteed success is possible only after a complete cleaning of previous drivers. The DDU program, often mentioned here, copes with this perfectly. provided that you do not neglect the requirements of this program, in terms of disconnecting the Internet and other things. install 24.5.1 and continue enjoying the games.

or on a clean window (really), install 24.5.1, I'm sure the games will sparkle with the same colors.

i5-13400/ asrock Z790 PG Lightning D4 /32 GBytes DDR4 3200 Hynix/ ASRock 7700xt Phantom Gaming OC/ 1000w gold
Adept I

I have the same problem on the RX7600 now I'm sitting on the driver version 24.5.1 , there's nothing I can do about it, I used all possible options and they all didn't help The bottom line is that AMD treats its users badly (without testing its drivers)

 Sorry you're having so many issues, but I have to disagree there I had a problem and AMD went Above and Beyond to help me on multiple occasions and people I game with also say the same thing, anyway your issues are very much most likely corrupt Windows DLL files and this is common so give your PC a good Reset and you should be Fine!!!

Adam J Martin

So formating pc and install new windows now and month ago is not enough cleaning? Its the DRIVERS Problem not the windows cuz 24.5.1 are  working well and Im playing game which do not start with 24.6 and 24.7 right now on 24.5… AMD took an L with those drivers cuz they are broken just go and read reddit. I dont know if you work for AMD but I know my pc and I know when Im installing broken drivers tho. Some guy on youtube said in comment that my CPU is broken so I stress tested my CPU and it’s perfectly fine. Then he said that my PSU is too weak so I laughed and unsubscribed his Yutube channel (ancientgameplay) or something like that the AMD fanboi. Its easy to blame everything beside the thing which is broken (in that case 24.6 and 24.7)


Old drivers older dlls.  Is your windows updated?


I tested it on not updated windows and updated just today. 24.5.1 working every time / 24.6.1 didint work month ago and now / 26.7.1 didn’t work even after fresh windows install and update from today.

Have you tried the Amd cleaner yet?  Some machines had problems with the chipset driver.  I believe they used the cleaner then reinstalled only the chipset..?  Worth a shot 

Honestly Im tired checking cuz every time I install 24.6.1 or 24.7.1 and then roll back to 24.5.1 need to format my pc cuz usb are getting messed up and MSI Afterburner doesn’t work…  I have never in 3 years of using Radeon had this kind of problems… I was always updating drivers with Adrenaline. Everything should have work out of the box with the Adrenaline not 3rd party programs specially if you spend 1.000$ for the GPU…. Very big L for AMD

Third party? Amd makes the chipset too but they don’t make the motherboard.  If it does mess up everything gives you a hint.  Check your bios age and update it.  Then reclock your ram correctly.  Which motherboard are you on? CPU? Ram type and slots?  Remember just about all gamers type motherboards over clock the cpu and sometimes it’s to much.  Even if it works on old drivers but not new, can still give you instability, optimizing a gpu would include its memory speed and resizable bar, which links back to mb, ram, cpu, bios. Amd assumes your mb is up to date.

I have a bunch of boxes and so far only one failed which was the slowest and newest released card 5600x with a rx7600xt.  Other rigs have 6800 6800xt 7800xt fighter 7800xt hellhound 7900xt hellhound 7900 gre 7900 gre red devil. All updated and no issues.  


I have never overclocked or undervolted anything. Neither cpu nor gpu. I did not feel that i needed such a thing. I have been using AMD for over 20 years. I never had any major problems with the drivers, until now. There were problems, but not major ones. The problem is not cpu, ram, bios, windows, etc. Let's say it's something related to windows, if it is then the problem is introduced by the new drivers because version 24.5.1 works normally without any error. After i install 24.6 or 24.7 the computer freezes and restarts every time i start a game. This is happening only when i try to start a game. If i return to 24.5 everything returns to normal, except for the first time, after install, when i get a blue screen with the message "IRQL_not_less_or_equal". After that, everything works normally without any errors. So, once again, the problem is introduced by the new drivers. Not everyone seems to have this problem, as some have stuttering and some don't, some have other errors that others don't. It amazes me that no moderator has responded so far, to say something, anything. Sad.

New Driver New optimizations.  You may not underclock or over volt anything, but your motherboard manufacture does right out of the box. ASUS really hit them hard.  maybe take a peek in your bios.


My spec: Radeon 7900XT , Ryzen 7600X , Asus TUF GAMING X670E-Plus , 32GB 6000mhz MPX RAM, 850 Watt PSU

MOBO is up to date from the official website every time I format my PC its the first thing I install. BIOS is up to date. I tested my RAM and no problem was detected. RAM is installed properly A2 and B2 slot and it’s bought together 2x 16GB so its the same sticks with same speeds and same brand no mistake was made here. Also RAM is 6000mhz and my MOBO do support it and Im using them since Ryzen 7600x was released and have 0 problems with them. I Stress tested my CPU all good. 

When I install 24.6.1 or 24.7.1 I do it right after formating my whole PC on clean and updated windows 10 home. There is no old files or outdated files or GPU drivers. I did it 2 times last month with 24.6.1 and 3 times days ago. Im not upgrading 24.5.1 to 24.7.1 Im installing 24.7.1 on brand new system after formating and they never work properly so Im doing another format and installing 24.5.1 which works perfectly.


I might try to clean updated mobo drivers with amd cleaning tool but not now, Im tired of formaring my pc all the time for now.

AMD has its own production? how long ago? I missed this event.

i5-13400/ asrock Z790 PG Lightning D4 /32 GBytes DDR4 3200 Hynix/ ASRock 7700xt Phantom Gaming OC/ 1000w gold

I had major issues clean-installing 24.7.1. Rolled back to 24.5.1 with "factory reset" checked, then upgraded to 24.7.1 without resetting, and it's now working on 24.7.1 at least as well as previous drivers have. Give that a shot.

Ryzen 7800x3d
Powercolor Hellhound 7900xtx
Asus ROG B650E-F
MasterLiquid ML360L ARGB V2
Corsair DDR5-6000 32GB
Samsung 990 Pro 2TB

Listen to these people’s.  This new set of drivers can use different DLLs. Older Dlls for your older driver. Etc etc.  I do know the new drivers over reached some clock speeds and will crash windows.  A crash can currupt  dlls.


ты сказал бред ! Голову себе перезапусти. 

Adept II

I haven't tried 24.7.1 but this happens to me with 24.6.1; nearly every game freezes and restart my PC.

Every now and then i get the message DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL before the restart.

This doesn't happen on 24.5.1


   Once again, the Ol DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error which boils down to Windows having corrupt files and there are ways to fix without a reset using DISM with Command prompt and a USB flash drive with a fresh download of Windows on it to fix the corrupted files but it's too hard for some users, so I recommend just resetting your windows, however if you must keep your files I will tell you how it's done if asked.

Adam J Martin

I formated and installed brand new windows 10 today from official website and still having same problem… all is working well when installing 24.5.1 its not Windows its the faulty drivers 24.6 and 24.7… Do I need to record a video with my iPhone how I format my C drive and install newest windows and then broken drivers 24.7.1 and post it on Youtube so you guys stop saying its “corrupted windows files” restarting my PC while starting games ??

Adept II

 Just installed 24.7.1, and got as well BSOD's. 3 so far in 3 different games. This is just getting out of any imagination. I'm already plagued by constant Driver Timeouts, now BSOD's as well? Did you AMD guy checking anything? Or just booting up a random game for 1min and, "WE'RE GOOD. LETS RELEASE THE DRIVER TO THE PUBLIC!". 

 Try to do memory error checks or re-install your memory because the error your having unfortunately hints to memory issues and with all the DDR4 memory recalls out there I would not doubt at all if your RAM was bad.

Adam J Martin

Man stop, just stop. Are all people suddenly having problems with windows? Dlls and others? I tried what you say, namely:


SFC /scannow
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth


All where good. Is not a windows problem, not for me anyway and i think not for many. If an dll was the problem then i will have had problem with all versions of the driver not only with 24.6.1 and 24.7.1

  Trust me it's a windows corrupt DLL file and its very well-known so you're not going to fool anyone by trying to blame it on a driver!!! maybe you should think hard who you might be in the room with everyone is not just regular guy joe here lol    And yes everyone is in fact having problem with Windows worldwide so please man please stop just stop lol.     Oh and almost forgot you do know that you cannot use DISM properly unless you have a clean Windows Image that has not come from the infected PC or it will not work at all Right???

Adam J Martin