Got into computers before there was such a thing as IBM Compatible. Used Commodore Vic 20 with dataset drive (cassette), then a Commodore 64 with 5-1/4' floppy and dot matrix printer. Packard Bell 246 computer with dial up modem. Became a full time computer technician in New Port News, Virginia where I built systems for civilian customers, The US Army, The US Air Force, and Nasa. Prices were something else back then, Ram was $42.00 per megabite!!! A flat bed color scanner was $3,000.00, etc. Yet for some reason my ideal gaming systems has always remained about the same price!!! My current system is a
Cyberpower PC
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor 3.60 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
AMD Radeon RX 580 Video Card with 16 GB of ram
Windows 10 Home
Alpha Gaming lighted Keyboard
Alpha Gaming Mouse
Alpha Gaming Headset with microphone
Logitech Extreme 3D Pro force feedback joystick
Logitech Speakers with sub-woofer
HP 27” Monitor
External Optical Drive
7 port USB Hub
Cannon G6020 printer. I tried to set up three monitors to extend flight simulator, etc. and could not get them to work with my AMD Graphics card, which did not make me happy. I can't afford a more expensive card as I am retired now and have a limited income.