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Server Processors

Journeyman III

Profile collection and reporting error

I am trying to profile SPDK nvmf_tgt application on CentOS (kernel : 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64).  Below is the output of running 'profile collection' and 'profile report' :

I am using the following version of AMDuProf:

[root@test59 AMDuProf]# /opt/AMDuProf_Linux_x64_3.1.35/bin/AMDuProfCLI --version
AMDuProfCLI Version

I have installed the AMDPowerProfiler driver as well on the system.  Here is the output of 'lsmod' :

[root@test59 AMDuProf]# lsmod | grep -i amdpowe
AMDPowerProfiler 68315 0
[root@test59 AMDuProf]#

[root@test59 bin]# ./AMDuProfCLI collect --config tbp -g -p 20300 -d 180 -o /home/ssgroot/GIT_REPOS/AMDuProf/collect
Profile started ...
Profile completed ...
Generated raw file : /home/ssgroot/GIT_REPOS/AMDuProf/collect.caperf

[root@test59 bin]# ./AMDuProfCLI report -i /home/ssgroot/GIT_REPOS/AMDuProf/collect.caperf -o /home/ssgroot/GIT_REPOS/AMDuProf/collect-out
Translation started ...

ERROR: Could not write the profile data file (/home/ssgroot/GIT_REPOS/AMDuProf/collect-out/collect/collect.db).
There were no data records, was the profiling paused the entire duration?

[root@test59 bin]#

[root@test59 AMDuProf]# ls -lrt
total 740416
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21424 Sep 16 02:24 mem.csv
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 94 Sep 16 05:40 AttachProcess-out
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 758155516 Sep 16 23:11 collect.caperf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1225 Sep 16 23:11 collect.ri
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14 Sep 16 23:16 collect-out
[root@test59 AMDuProf]# ls -l collect-out/collect/
total 0
[root@test59 AMDuProf]#

Any help appreciated.

1 Reply

Hi ssampath‌,

This query is duplicate of posted by you.

I have already replied to the same query in another thread. Let me know if you still waiting for help.
