If you are a fan of RGB LED lighting inside your case, why not take it outside and enhance the area around your computer? These EP Lights are quite interesting. You could do it for less money if you built the LED strips into another type of structure. Who has enhanced their computer room with some cool lighting effects? Show us a picture or two.
Excellent topic.
I do take RGB outside the box.
Not only with the RoG peripherals blasting its RGB glory everywhere but with IKEA Smart Lighting around the house with pre-configured routines to keep the mood UP.
However, I haven't looked deep into the Goovee ecosystem, they look amazing. Still a bit expensive though..
I'm hoping IKEA will step up its RGB range with more products to match other brands.
Very nice. I too have used IKEA LED lighting for some of my builds, like Laptron for instance. I mounted the four-strip white LED set under the old VCR case that I had gutted so I could install the body of a laptop. It looked nice for a while and I used it to stream music during a few LAN parties. Now I have a Raspberry Pi in this same location (in a wine bottle case now, not the original watering bowl when it was called 'Bowl me Over'), as the old laptop was just too painfully slow.
Is this over the top for a family room? It could get out of hand.
Not at all, but you may want to put up an epilepsy warning if they start flashing too much.
I'm really trying to allocate €€€€ to a goovee hexa and some IKEA LED matrix frames for my living room but unfortunately since my old phone died, I blew my allowance on the RoG Phone.....
And I still need approval from the Mrs. too
The goovee hexa is very interesting, but my wife wouldn't allow me to mount it with that power cord showing. I wish they could power things like with a wireless signal - one that wouldn't interfere with the TV and things of this nature.
Yep, I understand the pain, that's why I'm going to start the placement here, with the cable well hidden behind the furniture.