Red Team Modders

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Red Team Modders


IMG_2235.JPGHello all. This AMD build is designed for work, streaming, gaming, benchmarking, 3d making, plasma cutting, virtual reality and some of those things at the same time. This was a make it up as you go build but ideas come quick once you start going. I wanted to build my own case for this build, so I used 3/4" copper pipe and whole bunch of fittings. Since I was not planning to run water through all the case piping, I liquid bonded it all instead of soldering.  I bought some interior wood paneling and used it as base and backboard. I cut out for the fans so they would sit flush, and the radiators would sit on the backside, not visible.  I mounted the PSU on the bottom of the case and added a raspberry pi and 7" screen to hide the PSU. Plus, it gave me more usb ports because it's a home-built case.  I put in a classic car water temp gauge with sender. Was trying to get one in C but couldn't match one up right with the case so F will have to do. With the classic look of the case, I didn't want to LED it all over. Just wouldn't look right IMO. I added 4 light sockets at the top of the case. The two back 12v sockets are wired through the valve switch with larger LED bulbs. The two front 3v sockets are wired through the knife switch and being powered by a sterling engine generator. Toys in my bigger toy! lol I tried to do clean piping and some good wire management for final touchups. The whole build start to finish was about 40hrs total. Hope you enjoy it!

19 1 1,859