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Journeyman III

TPM Attestation Not supported with China CPU but TPM it's okay with Malaysia CPU

Hello, we all know about the bug or issue with the TPM where Windows Security says "Attestation Not supported".

Some say it's an AGESA bug with the new version, some say it's a Windows Certification bug, some say it's a just visual bug and TPM works fine. I don't know what it is but I saw something very interesting and I have no explanation for this.

I have 2x R5 4500 and one R5 5500. But R5 4500 are different. One is made in China and the other is made in Malaysia, R5 5500 is made in China also.

When I put them into the same system R5 4500 China and R5 5500 China I got "Attestation Not supported", but R5 4500 Malaysia I got "Attestation Ready".

Same system but the CPU made in Malaysia returns a different result.

So, maybe the "Attestation Not supported" bug affects only the CPUs made in China?

Can other users who have or don't have this bug write an answer about whether their AM4 CPUs are made in China or not?

At the moment I can confirm another 3x R5 5500 China and one R5 5600X China have the bug "Attestation Not supported" but what about other Malaysia CPUs?

R7 7600X Malaysia has no bug, but it's an AM5 cpu.




R5 4500 made in China

R5 4500 ChinaR5 4500 China


R5 4500 made in Malaysia

R5 4500 MalaysiaR5 4500 Malaysia


R5 5500 made in China

R5 5500 ChinaR5 5500 China

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