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Adept I

Ryzen 5 5600x low speed

i have ryzne 5 5600x and when i  start game i have 2.70GHz ,i overclooked my procesor to 4.2Ghz but still working in game on 2.70 some times on 3.40 Ghz

3 Replies

Could be game engine specific, some may utilize graphics card more over cpu?


Ryzen 5 5600x, B550 aorus pro ac, Hyper 212 black, 2 x 16gb F4-3600c16dgtzn kit, Aorus gen4 1tb, Nitro+RX6900XT, RM850, Win.10 Pro., LC27G55T..

Pointless overclocking, it seems that game heavily using your CPU in multi threaded mode. Try to undervolt per core with PBO2 curve optimizer. Leave PBO limits by default if you don't want to test performance of your cooling system. If you do it right it will work stable and faster than with common overclocking.


This has been debated a bit lately, that is why I wanted to do a video about this.

To keep things simple.

There are two ways to push the performance of your CPU and each own will have its upsides and downsides.

Looks like you opted for manual all core OC, this will greatly affect multicore scores, but a great deal of games won't use every core, the latest games will. Manual ALL Core OC will do you good for heavy multi core use, something like professional use.

On the other hand, you have Precision Boost Overdrive that will make a handfull of cores push way above others granting you better performance in the majority of games, specially older ones.

Keep in mind that OC'ing your CPU is not a magic recipe that will enable you +20fps, sometimes it won't give you that much. But the images talk for themselves.



However, if you do a cinebench run, static OC will prevail.johnnyenglish_1-1686483477971.png

If you want to give it a try at Curve Optimizer, you will have two ways.
Either you go Ryzen Master (the easiest way) or in your BIOS.

Remember! This is the basic of basics all core curve optimizer, and we all need to start somewhere.
Watch some videos and read some forums (including this one) and you will find all sorts of advices and knowledge.

I would start low and go up the ladder ensuring stability of your system. Some prefer starting high and lowering, but this will make your system crash a lot till you find stability, I don't like it that way.

Here is a 15second video of how to do it.

Good Luck

Curve Optimizer FAST! - Ryzen 7000 - YouTube

The Englishman