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Adept I

Ryzen 5 1600AF core voltage locked except when on auto

I have recently upgraded my PC machine from an old Intel to a brand new AMD platform.

Motherboard: Gigabyte B450 Gaming X

CPU: Ryzen 1600 AF with stock cooler

DRAM; HyperX 2 x 8 GB KHX3200C16D4/8GX (Samsung K4A8G085WC-BCRC)

PSU: Seasonic M12II EVO 520W

GPU: GTX 1070 (+400 memory OC)

The motherboard supports my CPU since the first BIOS version F1, currently updated to F51.

The CPU barely reaches 3.25GHz all cores boost on stress test at stock settings.  Temps 60-70C

So I wanted to get them working at 3.6GHz with a mild manual overclock. That's where my mysterious voltage problem appears. There is no option to set fixed core voltage in BIOS. Only the voltage offset. However, the voltage offset has no effect on the core voltage whatsoever. Core voltage is always the same, 1.125-1.130V on idle and flat 1.100V on heavy load. The only thing changed with V-offset are CPU VID values getting higher. 

Using HWiNFO64 (latest ver.) for monitoring. SVI2 TFN CPU core voltage is what I mean by actual voltage used by CPU. VID is supposed to be the CPU "request" from VRM, right?     

It just boggles me that anything but auto voltage offset rises the SVI2 readings pretty high 1.2-1.3V.  Any manual input locks the SVI2 CPU voltage regardless of the voltage offset setting. 

It bothers me because there are 3 options in my mind:

1. Bad chip (silicon lottery) or faulty chip?

2.  MOBO ok, BIOS not working well with this chip

3.  Faulty MOBO.


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