If you computer is unstable and crashes in games or windows then try this
The following made my own pc stable with a 5900x cpu and 6900xt graphics card.
And its very easy to do.
Go into bios and turn on advanced mode ( maybe press F2 to turn it on )
find the location where it say "CPU Vcore"
Change the setting from AUTO to 1,4V
Personaly my computer with a 5900x and a 6900xt have been crashing in every game for 2½ month now and i tired 3 different bios and all avaliable drivers but still it crash. I tired different motherboards, gpu's, psu's ect ect.
But yesterday I manual enter the voltage for cpu Vcore to 1,4v and after that I have had 0 crashes and could play games again.
Example i play hitman 3 and it crash in the "japan" mission where we run on a bridge in the start after 5 minutes every time.
But now i can play the mision without problems as well as other games.
Give it a try.
ps.. 1,4v will not damage your cpu Ryzen goes up and down the volt range all the time when on auto from xx to example 1,5v
Try with 1,4v and then maybe try and lower it if your pc get stable. ( maybe in the range 1,35-1,4v )
pps..: its my impression that the automatic voltage software in bios that control the power to the cpu maybe have a bug.
Allot of people on the forum have issues with stability and windows error Power-kernel ID 41 ( 63 ) and my personal guess is the bios or drivers provide to little power in some situations = shut down/restart the pc due to little power at x critical time.
The funny thing is in stabilty tests my own pc was 100% stable, but in games it crash after example 5 minutes.
Maybe it have something to do with when you play a game that is not so demanding that the single core clocks get to little power or something like that and that trigger instabilty.. But that is just my guess.
Good luck and if it help you then help spread the word so other can get a stable pc 😉
Well i hope my tip might help some of you out there 😉
If it do turn out to help allot i hope someone could inform AMD so they can have a look at the cpu Vcore Auto algoritm so peoples pc's can run stable at factory default/auto settings.