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PC Processors

Journeyman III

5900X PC Crash/Restarting when CPB and PBO is turned On - what are the correct bios settings?

As already mentioned in the title, when I have CPB and PBO switched on I get crashes and restarts.
XMP doesn't seem to have any influence on the crashes.
I always had both bios settings CPB and PBO set to AUTO because I don't know enough about it and don't want to break anything.
Are there any AMD recommended bios settings other than turning off all OC functions and leaving the base speed at 3.7 GHZ?
Somehow it must be possible.
Is it possible that my mainboard is setting the wrong values to AUTO and that is why my system is unstable with CPB and PBO?
I would like to set everything correctly in the bios before I want to check other hardware more extensively for errors.

Main use is DAW work for producing on Ableton Live Suite.
Ableton Live benefits greatly from single core performance, as far as I know, one core is used per audio track.

Oh man, I haven't had a headache like this for a long time,
Any help will be appreciated.

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