Hey all,
My machine is mainly built do use for GPU renders. Below is my full spec. I'm using an enermax aio to cool it. I don't have control of it I think only thru the bios.

As of recently I noticed my cpu is hitting 80c+ on ideal with a max of 100 on barely any load.

thought to open Ryzan master but its not opening and I cannot install it.
Right now I'm traveling and cannot get into the bios and see what my settings are since I have not really changed any settings for years and its been online headless and I control it remotely for almost a year now and never hard an issue.
The machine runs find and I can render for hours, but now I'm worried about the cpu.
Also I was running comfyui and noticed that the cpu goes to 100% and down to 3% load on and off like every second. is that normal? maybe it is and I just never seen it in that gonna stats?
Thanks in Advance for help!