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PC Processors

Adept I

Temperature issues 5900x


I have 2 problems with my 5900x that i have been trying to fix for weeks.

First of all, the temperatures of my 5900x while idle are always around 55-60°C and sometimes even 70°C. on top of that, sometimes my fans suddenly start running at full speed without me touching my computer.

In addition, I have noticed that my 5900x is underperforming and has a 3dmark score of 13000(below average) . While I have seen scores of 16000 online.

I have a noctua NH-D15 CPU cooler and 6 Fans 3 intake fans at the front, 1 exhaust and intake at the top and 1 exhaust at the back.

Thanks in advance!

9 Replies
Big Boss

Very strange for such a reputable cooler.

I would double check if the cooler is well seated and if it has enough thermal paste.

You can curve optimize it to lower average temperatures or undervolt it.

The low score could be thermal throttling, check a monitoring app like hwinfo64 to check that.

Did you check if there is something running on the background, is 50-60 while on the desktop with steady 1% CPU? Windows update sure is stealthy enough and will bump the CPU temps a lot.

I would also remove the top fans, they are stealing the flow or creating turbulence, thus affecting the noctua in my opinion.

Good Luck

The Englishman

Hi, thanks for your reply!

I added the top fans because the idle temp was always around 70degrees before that. My cpu is always around 1-5% and when launching timespy the temperature doesn't go higher than 85degrees(most of the time). 3 of my fans are noctua A15 industrial fans (1 in front and 2 on top) and three stock phantek fans from my p600s case.

"You can curve optimize it to lower average temperatures or undervolt it." How do is do this and will it affect performance?



I put new thermal paste on and fixed some other things, the temperatures are much better and even   while running time spy don't go over 75degrees. But my cpu still has a score of 13500... I overclocked it in the radeon software could that be the problem?

Journeyman III

Olá, Estou com um problema parecido, quando entra proteção de tela, modo economia de energia o processador se esforça para processar o descanso de tela.....

no seu caso as temperaturas parecem boas, pode ser o encaixe do cooler sob o processador pasta termica que podem ocasionar esse pico de temperatura....tenho um 360 as temperatura ficam 55 / 60 ºC  nessa faixa. clcok medio 5.150mhz


I wouldn't say that 55-60ºC is good at idle, but of course that depends on many factors, like ambient temp, case and much more.

To make a comparison. I'm getting right now 46ºC while having youtube and this forum running on a 7950X with a 240 Radiator with 25ºC room temperature.


PS: ignore voltage, coretemp cannot give that accurately, only hwinfo64 can.

The Englishman


So i got 55-60 but my max temp goes to 80-85 while just opening thinks like chrome, i have a p600s case from phantek with the covers removed. I also see that your CPU takes 53W, mine is around 85W while doing nothing.

Volunteer Moderator

Please insure that your front fans are pushing air into the case, and that your rear and top fans are pulling air out of the case.  Your PSU fan should also be pulling air from inside the case and exhausting it out the rear of the PSU.  Your video card might be a factor in disrupting the airflow to your CPU cooler, but I suspect you need an AIO CPU cooler (240 mm or larger) in there to lower the idle temperature of your CPU.

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".

Hi, thanks for your response! I fixed the temperature problem by applying new thermal paste, i applied it poorly the first time I think. I don't have any temperature problems anymore but my benchmark didn't become better after the temperature improvement(13500). The OC function of ryzen master is activated, could that be the problem?

Olá, 55-60 não me parece que seja o maior problema, é sobretudo o facto de, por vezes, o CPU ir subitamente para 80 sem que eu faça nada.