Hi! I have an HP 845 G7 and am getting the black screen of death when attempting to use Hyper-V.
I've reviewed https://community.amd.com/t5/processors/wsl-2-hyper-v-amd-ryzen-7-pro-4750u-bsod/m-p/432794#M35966 which has the resolution for Lenovo, however, the HP BIOS doesn't have biometrics settings like that.
https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/solutions/ht510806-black-screen-may-occur-if-enabling-hyper-v-in-wi... has an alternate solution, but the HP BIOS doesn't allow for setting more than 512 MB of VRAM. Any ideas how I can get my laptop to work with Hyper-V?
I've opened a case with HP, but that went nowhere.