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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Ryzen 9 3900x is out of stock

I've placed Ryzen 9 3900x on pre-order on launch day just after 3pm in the UK and it is still out of stock and, as I understand, it is the same everywhere. There are costumers already cancelling their order and turning to the competitor instead according to forum posts so I came here to seek for some answers since we can't get any from our retailers - again, according to costumer's posts under the regarding topic on forums.

92 Replies

It was in stock about 30 minutes ago on newegg, but sold out in less than two minutes. I had it in my cart and when I checked out it was sold out. This site comes in handy


I fortunately ordered mine on July 8th, after getting lucky seeing it in stock after many hours of camping the website :3 Apparently fortunate that it was actually in stock as I paid for it. They didn't actually charge you yet, have they?

No, they didn't, but it's my first PC build since like 2005-2006. I was using a laptop since University time. Every time I got the info that the store is expecting the processor I bought some things for the PC. Now I have all the parts for the PC except for the CPU. I'm wondering if I should have got a new laptop, not future prof choice but at least I would have it.


If AMD releases the 3950X before I have received my 3900X, then I will cancel my order and simply keep my 2700X.

I ordered on 24 of July and was recently told, that it was pushed back to October 3rd the earliest. That's > 2 months !!!

I can understand if Rome (Epyc) is taking of like crazy and that's where the money is. But just say so or at least say something.

Adept I

Wow....I already bailed, but I check in as I am floored at this, its so astonishing that its like watching a car accident (you just need to look). AMD has made Nvidias RTX launch look like perfection. Think about it. RTX could do what it said and shortly after started having things to do with it. AMD? Over-promise and hugely under deliver, falsify speed claims, and again is either holding stock back on you all to sell off other chips first, or did not create enough of the chip clearly most wanted which is a catastrophe at an executive level larger than any tech release ever before.

Then they still have yet to even post a comment to their consumers addressing this??? Thats spitting on you all. The 3950x will release before the 3900x release. No doubt. they need to kill off Ryzen 2 supply first so twist it in the consumers until they give up. Seriously, this was my first move to AMD, back on Intel. I simply cannot recommend AMD to anyone and would never entertain them again. Hoping many of you all are able to return motherboards, you're not getting your chips. AMD owes you all a super massive apology. If I were Lisa, you all that ordered in July and still without?? should get like 2 or 3 AAA $60 each game titles of your choice in the future. One little tweet stating "supply issues" and a heartfelt apology would have stopped all of this.

I cant really tell everything that you're trying to say, but you seem to be misunderstanding. Demand for Zen 2 was extreme. 3900x's sold like hotcakes and was so sought after its been scalped by re-resellers. AMD also does not own the fab to create more so easily, TSMC does, and TSMC has other customers they have to deal with. Every other model is in stock, for they were not as sought-after.


RTX cards at launch were bug ridden too, took a long time before drivers stabilized

Journeyman III

It is really inconvenience to wait for something that i have already order and paid for it up front

it is already a month that i am waiting and i was just informed that it will take another month with no quarantines about it!

needs something to be done from the part of AMD.


wolfman13 wrote:

It is really inconvenience to wait for something that i have already order and paid for it up front

it is already a month that i am waiting and i was just informed that it will take another month with no quarantines about it!

needs something to be done from the part of AMD.

Many products end up back ordered, it is more common than many people realize


AMD is apparently delaying the 3950X to focus on existing shorteges.  That or they don't have enough 3950X's to launch with.

AMD Delays Ryzen 9 3950X Launch: Coming In November With Threadripper 3000 


There are So Many lies and BS from everyone concerned that buyers are losing faith, not only from the shops in the UK but AMD itself. None of them understand that the buyers simply want to know What the F is going on.
Like many I have pre-paid and am still waiting since the start of September, I do want to support AMD as I feel that they are likely to be the better going forward but that belief is sorely tested by all of this.
No one expects miracles but truth Is appreciated And remembered. If say it was explained that the server side has longer estabished orders for instance and that consumer orders are being completed as and when they can, that would go a long way towards some decent public relations.

I would imagine that few would be willing to return a motherboard for an Intel one, with all the extra cost involved And then do the same with the CPU. There may be some that could afford the extra costs but most have likely pushed their finances as far as they can, I know that I have.


Overclockers state that they have 10+ in stock but have now increased their price to £579.99.
Mindfactory in Germany have 5+  for €549.

The only problem with that is that you don't know if you go onto a pre order list and even if you don't the length of time that a refund from your original purchase may well put those two sites as out of stock by the time that you get there.

I have moved up from #93 to #42 in the week since I originally asked from the site that I am using, so maybe I will get lucky with their next stock in.

Journeyman III

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