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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Ryzen 7 3700x fan 0 RPM At High Temperatures

Ryzen 7 3700x fan 0 RPM At High Temperatures

So, this is my first time with a Ryzen CPU and I'm having an issue with it's cooling system.

I'm getting around 70-90ºC with my PC idle (just using the browser) and the CPU fan isn't working 100% of the time. It stays on 0 rpm for like 30-35 seconds then goes to a burst of 2900 rpm for around 3-5 seconds, and back to this loop.

I don't know much about processors and cooling but it seems pretty stupid to have it's fan on 0 rpm while it's over 70ºC, no?

I've tried a few different settings for the fan curve on the BIOS but none had any effects. I also used the CPU-Z Stress CPU test, which made it go up to 95ºC, but still. The fan always behave like I mentioned earlier.

I'm not sure if I should address this to AMD or MSI (I'm using a MSI X570-A Pro).

Is this normal? Should I get a new cooler? Or maybe return the processor?

HWMonitor screenshot:

PS.: It's a fresh processor. I've been using it a little more than a month.

5 Replies

Can you try using the program HWinfo64 to monitor your temperatures and fan speed as it is a lot more accurate. 

Your fan won't be spinning down to 0 RPM otherwise the CPU would get too hot and shut the PC down which is how they are designed to prevent damage.  

Fans do spin up and down during browsing or gaming but they have a hardware set minimum RPM  way above 0.  

Also 95c is perfectly normal during stress testing that you have as it is a synthetic benchmark designed to push the CPU to its limits.  



I used many softwares to make sure I had the right number for the temp, because I have my pc right by side, where I can see the fan literally at 0 rpm. There is no denying in that because I had my eyes on it everytime it reported 0 rpm.

I do know that 95 is perfectly normal for the stress test, but I only did it to push the temps to it's limit and verify if it'd still behave with 0 rpm, and it did.

Here's a screenshot of HWiNFO64: 


First, do you have the CPU Cooler Fan connected to the correct Motherboard CPU Fan port?

Turn power off and physically turn the CPU Cooler fan by hand. It should spin by itself without any resistance or noises. Make sure you don't have any obstacles that might be interfering with the rotation of the CPU fan.

You didn't mention if this was a AMD CPU Cooler Fan that came bundled with the processor. But if it is, I suggest you open a AMD Warranty Request Online ticket and see if your AMD CPU Cooler fan needs to be RMAed from here: 

I would also open a MSI Support ticket to find out if your motherboard is defective which could be causing an intermittent power problem to the CPU fan through a defective Motherboard CPU FAN Port or Thermal Sensor. To eliminate a bad Motherboard CPU Fan port, try connecting the CPU Fan to a 3 Pin System Fan Port on the motherboard or directly to the PSU. This will cause the CPU Cooler to run at 100% RPM.  If it continues to go to Zero RPM than you have a defective CPU Cooler. But if it runs fine for a long time at 100% than that may indicate a defective Motherboard.

Make sure you have the latest BIOS/UEFI Version installed to eliminate BIOS causing the problem.

It is very abnormal for the fan to go to Zero RPM because as mentioned previously, the processor, will overheat in seconds and power off the computer to prevent the processor from being damaged by heat.


Yes, it's all connected in the right place.

There's nothing interfering on the fan rotation.

I'm using the AMD Wraith Prism stock cooler.

I can't connect the CPU fan to the system fans port because the cable won't reach it. I tried switching the CPU cable to the pump cable and it's the same thing (that's the only alternative I have for testing it).

I also tried connecting the system fans to the CPU fan port and it worked just fine, as they were working on the system fan ports (working 100% of the time, never at 0 rpm).

I'm using all the latest drivers of my motherboard.

I've never seen a fan at 0 rpm while the PC is turned on. And not once I had my PC shutdown because of high temps, even though when the CPU reaches 95ºC with this stupid 0 rpm behavior. It never went above 95ºC though.

Since I was planning already to switch to a watercooler I'll wait to see if I still have this issue when this happens, since I'll dispense of the stock cooler.

I really hope it's the cooler's fault. My pc build is like 2 months old and this is happening already. Great!


If the AMD CPU Cooler came bundled with the AMD processor, I suggest you open a AMD Warranty Request ticket and see if AMD believes it should be replaced under Warranty from here: 

The CPU Cooler fan should never go to Zero RPM since the CPU is constantly working and producing heat no matter how idle it is. GPU Cards do have Zero RPM features but not processors.

A AIO Liquid cooler is a good idea for your processor.