Hi , I've had this CPU for some time, when it arrived it had 2 broken pins, they are 2 pins close to the square with a triangle indicating the direction, one pin is ground and the other is PCI Express, it's not important because I had planned anyway not to use this CPU with PCI devices so it's not a big loss for me, I remember that in the past I had inserted the broken pins into the socket anyway and the CPU worked well both on the CPU and IGPU side with 4 sticks of RAM modules inserted in 4 slots , then it was put aside for 6 months, then by changing the motherboard etc. the pins were lost but the CPU still works, what doesn't work is DUAL CHANNEL channel B1 and B2 if we're talking about the card with 4 slots and or only B if it has 2 slots, always BEEP of memory error if I insert module in channel B..... I have never overclocked, the pins are all except 2 mentioned above, they are ok, they are not bent or anything else.. The motherboard works well, tested with another CPU. I have the bios in its first version, but it used to work on this card in dual channel, now it works correctly only in channel A. Is it possible that something has burned out inside the CPU that is causing this malfunction? Has anyone heard of similar cases or have any suggestions?