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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Ryzen 2600x not "boosting enough"°

Hi There,

i already asked Gigabyte Support for help, thinking maybe the mainboard is at fault, but it doesn't seem so.

Gigabye Aorus B450 Pro
G-Skill Aegis, 2x8gb 3000mhz

Ryzen 2600x


lots of case fans, realy good airflow

Masterliquid ML240 AIO Watercooling


After i built my pc some weeks ago, i have myselfed informed of ryzen 2600x's capabilities and trying to see, what i can get out of this processor.

PBO was the thing and i read, that you can get a single core boost up to 4,25ghz and allcore more than standard 3,9ghz.

The single core boost is working in my case. I get frequencies up to 4,25ghz.

But all core boost is unsatisfying. While gaming i only reach something at about 3,96ghz. Not what i hoped for..

Temperatures are about 50-55°c while gaming.

Gigabyte support confirmed, that the mainboard is capable of boosting all core to 4,14ghz while having 60°c cpu temp.
(See screenshot: gigabyte.jpg)
They used prime95 for this (wow, im impressed of 60°c while prime95 stress testing)

While stresstesting with prime95 i get around 65-70°c at around 3,94ghz.
(see screenshot: prime95.png)

So i've seen that frequencies are temperatur dependent.

(using voltage offset reduces temps of -5°c, but this makes no difference at all)

Vmos temps are also realy ok, (case fans doing lots of work)
(see screenshot: vmostemps.png   left column is current value)

So in comparison:

While gaming I reach about 50-55°c.
Clock speed about 3,991-4,016 GHz.

(see screenshot: gaming.png)

While running prime95, I reach about 65°c-70°c
Clock speed about 3,941-3,966ghz

The difference off about 20°c is making only 50mhz difference? that is not what i expected, i bought watercooling to lower my temps for using PBO...

There are no more settings i can check, or is it possible to increase the frequency for pbo?

For some comparing i manually overclocked the cpu to 4,15ght with about 1,37v (about the same of pbo 3,99ghz)

This was working pretty fine, giving some more fps. Temperature while gaming were around 55-59°c not realy reaching the 60°c mark.

So i was wondering, why my processor is not capable to boost to 4,1ghz at 55°c while Gigabyte is reaching 4,14ght with 60°c.

I know it can not be my cooling setup, or my mainboard, so my last resort ist the cpu...

best regards,

6 Replies
Big Boss

tymmey, the only temperature that counts is the one reported by Ryzen Master (RM).  So please post a screenshot of RM - simply drag-n-drop the image into your reply.  Here are your processor specifications:


Your maximum temperature is 95C.  Thanks and enjoy, John.

EDIT: Please be sure to do a Clear CMOS before taking RM screenshot.



thanks for the quick reply!!

I did as you told. Here is a screenshot:pastedImage_1.png

none of the values of PPT, TDC, EDC are at their limit..
temperature is not different


Thanks, tymmey.  Since your system is not loaded, the problem is not visible.  It has boosted as much as needed, I guess.    I need to think about this.  Perhaps it just cannot get instructions fast enough (need faster memory???).  You might try a test like HyperPi alone or with you load.  Please load up your system and post another screenshot of RM (ONLY!).  I have seen all I need of the other stuff.  You may need to go to Manual and set the clocks to what you want to see.  BTW, GB has set the PPT limit so high, it will never be approached - i.e., unlimited.  Several MB Vendors do this and I do not think it is a good idea and recommend users set it to a reasonable number.  I also hope you read the RM warnings about voiding your warranty.  Thanks and enjoy, John.


Hey misterj, thank you for the reply!

with hyperpi running i get a cpu uilization of 100%.

While having 55°c , the boosted frequency is still "just" 3,975ghz and not 4,14ghz like gigabye is able to pull off with prime95.

and thanks for the information about ppt, tdc and edc, that seems legit.

Manually setting frequency to 4,15ghz is working though, but then the cpu won't throttle if not neede, or am i wrong?

best regards,


tymmey, I assume it will if needed, but I could be wrong, sorry.  What memory does GB have?  What is their thinking on your maximum boost?  Indigo does a good job of getting my 2990WX going, but I have 3200 MHz and quad channel memory.  Please run latest CPU-Z and make sure you are in dual channel mode.  Thanks and enjoy, John.



i'm using 3000mhz dual channel:

sadly i cannot answer you, if gigabyte is using same...