I've been recently messing around with Windows 10 power plans (Power Saver, Balanced and High Performance) and I realised that when I selected Power Saver, the multiplier of my Ryzen 5600X goes as low as x17 (1740 MHz), which is great to lower temperatures. But when I select Balanced, the multiplier never goes below x36.
The only obvious problem that I've observed with Power Saver is that when you run a demanding task (like a CPU Benchmark), the multiplier transitions slowly towards x44-x45 instead of jumping there immediately, which is what Balance scheme does. This also hinders the responsiveness of the system when you need an instant CPU performance boost. So, I was wondering if it would be possible to extend the multiplier range of the Balanced scheme from x17 (or even lower if possible) to its maximum, so that I could have both low temperatures when idle and also high CPU responsiveness when needed.
I recently came across an incredible tool called Windows power plan settings explorer utility (you can find it in Guru3D) which allows you to:
Show/hide all the available power settings (most of them are hidden by default).
See the values of every power scheme at the same time for every option.
Change settings on the fly.
Change Power Schemes on the fly.
So, by tweaking those settings I could achieve exactly what I want to accomplish but I haven't figured out yet what settings do I need to change xD As you can see in this picture, there are more than 60 settings available and I don't really know what most of them do, except for those that are kind of self-explanatory.
I would really appreciate if someone could give me a hand to understand these settings (at least the required ones for what I want to achieve) because I'm completely lost
Thank you!