Problem encountered:
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hello everyone!
My problem is now solved. I asked for AMD warranty and they sent me a new CPU. I would like to thank AMD for their service to customers because everything went easy and quick. Once the new CPU in place, I could install win10 immediatly without any change in the BIOS.
So I can say now that my problem was a CPU failure.
One guy on a french forum told me that despite I could install win7 the problem could be linked to the CPU. We was right!
Thanks to everybody for having help me!
When installing Windows 10 are there any Trouble LEDs, Digital Codes, or BEEPS indicating a CPU failure or some other failure?
Strange that you are able to install Windows 7 but not Windows 10.
From your Manual concerning BOOT features and settings. The only setting I saw that could affect you from installing Windows 10 is this one:
Try installing Windows 10 on your SSD on another computer. Then connect the SSD with Windows 10 installed already and see if it boots up into Windows desktop.
If it does then install all the Motherboard's Window 10 drivers.
But there is no harm in opening an Online AMD Warranty Request and see if they believe it might be a defective CPU. AMD Warranty goes into effect as soon as your Vendor/Retailer Warranty expires.
Here is AMD Warranty Request:
Thank you for your answer. Of course I selected the right boot device in the BIOS. I tried with USB Keys partition prefixed with UEFI and I tried also with a DVD.
When I try to install WIN10 directly from a boot device, it does not boot and the PC restarts again and again (but these USB Key and DVD boot well on another PC !). No error message on screen. Concerning the beep I don't know because I do not have beep speaker connected on the MB.
As I could install WIN7, I also tried to install WIN10 from WIN7. I tried 2 solutions : with DVD and direct upgrading frpm MS site. Both failed when the PC need to restart at the end of the process.
I did not try to boot from a SSD with WIN10 installed on another PC. I will try and let you know. Thanks again!
As you suggested, I installed WIN10 from another computer (by the way I think that my USB Key and SSD have no problem because the installation process went fine on this PC).
When I put back my SSD (with win10 installed) in my new PC then it could not boot and I have the exactly same problem : cannot boot and restart again.and again. At the end, since 3 weeks that I am trying everything, do you think the problem could be linked with the CPU ?
If it was the CPU why would it install Windows 7 and work correctly? If the processor was bad I would think it wouldn't work with Windows 7.
But there is no harm in opening an Online AMD Warranty Request and see if they believe it might be a defective CPU. AMD Warranty goes into effect as soon as your Vendor/Retailer Warranty expires. But even if you have a current active Warranty with your Retailer/vendor. Still open a Warranty request just to get their view on what is happening.
Here is AMD Warranty Request:
EDIT: The only thing I can figure is you have some hardware installed that is not compatible with Windows 10 but is for Windows 7.
Why does it work correctly with Win7 and not with Win10? I would like to know the answer too so I can solve my problem 🙂 Some say that Win10 is asking for some functions of the CPU that Win7 does not need. They are of course links between hardware and OS. I am not enough specialist to know this matter deeply. However I do assembly PC since years so if someone has idea about something to try I am of course interested !
This can't be true "Some say that Win10 is asking for some functions of the CPU that Win7 does not need." because your Ryzen is 100% compatible with Windows 10. Otherwise everyone will be having the same or similar problem.
If you don't want to open a AMD Warranty request than open an Online AMD SERVICE REQUEST (Official AMD SUPPORT) and asked them what could be the problem from here:
EDIT: Have you tried to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 while on Windows 7 Desktop? Not using a USB or DVD to upgrade to Windows 10. You can upgrade directly from Microsoft webpage from here: Download Windows 10
It is a good bet that if your tried to update to Windows 10 while on Windows 7 desktop it might tell you what is stopping Windows 10 from being installed or it might work and install successfully.
Just throwing out some ideas.
Thank you for your answer and proposition. Yes I already tried to install WIN10 directly while on WIN7 desktop, with the upgrading function of microsoft (not using DVD or USB key). The beginning of the process seemed to go well but at the end of the installation process the computer needs to restart and then it could not boot.
Il was exactly the same thing happening than when I tried to start the computer by booting on the ssd on which I already installed WIN10 from another PC.
In fact the computer cannot boot on any device containing WIN10 installation program and also on SSD already containing WIN10 installed. The problem encountered is exactly the same : restarting in loop.
Try disabling UEFI and use legacy boot and see if that works.
Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately UEFI Only or Legacy only : same problem !
pi-yai wrote:
Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately UEFI Only or Legacy only : same problem !
my X470 only works on legacy which is a serious BIOS bug
Regarding my problem I think it is not relating to the BIOS; because I tried two motherboards of different brands : MSI and Gigabyte. I returned the first one because I was thinking that the problem came from the MB (in fact it is the MSI technical support who proposed me to return the product).
pi-yai wrote:
Regarding my problem I think it is not relating to the BIOS; because I tried two motherboards of different brands : MSI and Gigabyte. I returned the first one because I was thinking that the problem came from the MB (in fact it is the MSI technical support who proposed me to return the product).
I have 2 processors so I can check for compatibility more thoroughly than many others
Try asking your question at Windows 10 Forum. Good chance someone there has a similar experience and has found a solution or open a Microsoft Forum thread.
Windows 10 Forum:
Microsoft Forums: Results in Windows - Microsoft Community
From the MS Forum found this which might be similar to what you are going through: Windows 10 Install Bug verified - Microsoft Community (Check you BIOS date is not set on or after 01-19-3001 by accident. Watch the video, the User who found this bug has a very similar Computer hardware setup as you do):
It seems if your motherboard BIOS (AMD or Intel) allows you to set a date of 1-19-3001 or beyond, Windows 10 1909 will not finish installing, but locks up during the second reboot of the installation process.
Furthermore, if the BIOS date is changed, and you restart the computer in an attempt to complete the install of Windows 10, guess what happens next? Windows 10 freezes again and when you check your BIOS date, you’ll find Windows 10 automatically puts the incorrect BIOS date back in your BIOS! If you change the motherboard, then attempt to restart from the failed install, the install will once again freeze and set the incorrect installation date back into the new motherboards BIOS!
So, after you’ve replaced every single piece of hardware (even a new motherboard!), your BIOS date will go back to the install date if you keep reattempting to boot off the SSD/HDD.
You must FIX the BIOS date FIRST, then restart the computer from the Win10 install media, clear ALL the partitions on the drive you want to install Win10 on, then start the installation process over from scratch. If the BIOS date is set at 1-18-3001 or earlier, Win10 Pro 1909 will install without issues.
I made a video about it here. Verified on Intel and AMD motherboards (both from Gigabyte, both using latest BIOS version). Some motherboard manufacturers do not allow the BIOS date to go beyond 2099. And for those people, they will never experience this issue.
Has to do with the date in BIOS. Also the link shows more technical links to ask your question: Windows Community | Connect with Windows Engineers
I have not seen anything like that outside of testing back with the Y2K era. I tested a machine set to 2765 which was not a problem for Windows but Adobe refused to run. Microsoft does not have any time bombs in their software.
Check the BIOS date which should be corrected by Windows. Should be within a few seconds of the correct time, quartz clocks are not very accurate.
If you viewed the Youtube video, this occurred on one of Gigabytes latest Motherboard and BIOS. The BIOS date is changed to the wrong date by Windows Installation.
This is just about the only reason that I can see why the OP can't install Windows 10 on his computer.
If the OP BIOS/UEFI is earlier than 1-19-3001 than I am out of suggestions.
Thanks a lot for your advice. I will check the BIOS date when I will be at home this evening. I don't know where you are, but we may be in different time zones (I am in France).
I hope this could be the solution... However since I have exactly the same with 2 MB and since a formated the SSD several times...
I will let you know. Thanks again.
I hope it is also. Otherwise I am out of suggestion except open a thread at MS Community where MS Engineers participate.
You need to change the BIOS date first to an earlier date of 01/3001 then format your HDD/SSD. If you don't change the date first it will still not install even if you format the SSD.
Good luck!
I checked the time in the BIOS Day and time are right : exact time at the minute.
I am not so surprised because I had the same problem on 2 brand new MB...
Sorry but I am out of suggestions then.
Open a ticket with Microsoft Community - Engineers. They might be able to figure out why you can install Windows 10: Windows Community | Connect with Windows Engineers
Hello everyone!
My problem is now solved. I asked for AMD warranty and they sent me a new CPU. I would like to thank AMD for their service to customers because everything went easy and quick. Once the new CPU in place, I could install win10 immediatly without any change in the BIOS.
So I can say now that my problem was a CPU failure.
One guy on a french forum told me that despite I could install win7 the problem could be linked to the CPU. We was right!
Thanks to everybody for having help me!
Unbelievable. A defective CPU could work normally with one Windows version and not another.
That didn't even cross my mind. It wasn't logical unless AMD engineer can explain the reason why.
Anyway, Glad you got it figured out and now have a new CPU that is working normally.
Please mark the last reply that you mentioned it was a defective CPU as "Correct" so that other Users will know what you did to fix the issue.
Thanks and take care.