The thing is... that once I hit apply the tool will prompt a message to reboot pc. Once pc is rebooted !voila! Desktop goes so snappy, i can tell by right clicking and refreshing , its so fast.. chrome tabs open fast... I really don't know what of sorceress is this o.O. The sad part is that I need to be restarting pc every time that I turn on my pc cause the profile won't save the settings.
The way I Oc manually via bios Is just by setting to 3.7 cpu clock and voltages 1.25 same than Ryzen Tool, and disable C-states, things that may interfere with the CPU OC, and thats it.. just c states, p states tried disabling all except p-state 0 on auto, also tried leaving all default and same problem pc doesn't feel fast as when I do via Ryzen Tool, whats that :O?
I have this pc specs:
Motherboard: Asrock ab350 fatality k4 gaming ( last bios 5.00)
CPU: Ryzen 5 1600 3.2 stock
GPU: EVGA GTX 1060 Gaming, 06G-p4-6262-KR, 6GB GDDR5, ACX 3.0, & LED
Rams: Patriot Viper 2x4 (8gigs) OC to 3200 (using a nice calculator from guru3d user 1USMUS)
Hpet both disabled Windows and Bios.
This is the current profile that i have to use every reboot on pc this a picture with 48.25 c cpu usage 11-15% while chrome some tabs and 50% use memory
This was the RAM calculator that I used , I found that my rams probably are Samsung D-DIE(tried use taiphon burner and some friends told me that probably are E-DIE) I use safe preset
This works so fantastic I can tell by doing aida extreme 64 stability test and ram runs over 45 minut without errors... the only problem is that my motherboard have more than 4 options in CAD bus so i cannot properly managed to changes things at alll cause it wont boot so my letting default it will automatically configure to 24-24-24-24 cad bus which is okay i think
I contacted Daniel via Gmail from Resplendence software and he told me that my latencies on cpu are kinda high and by updating bios should reduce latencies, but that didn't work.
PS: I have run my bios on default settings and still getting IRQL HIGH, but i really love my pc at least on Desktop with this ryzen and my ram up to 3200 with the calculator, the problem is that in games i can tell like visual lag, even if i'm moniitoring games with Frame-rate frame timing using Riva tuner to try 1/1 perfect frames timing, sometimes i get curvy frame time even with 100fps 10ms, but probably cause games but i can tell that this is not normal.
Also i have been told by a person in LinusTechTipsForums that this is normal, but i would like to hear more opinions on this wonderful AMD forum, also i appreciated your patience and kindness people for helping me. so thanks alot
Bump please?
x58, I ran the Latency Monitor and here is my result:
My system is somewhat faster than yours - here are my specifications:
ASRock Fatal1ty X399 Pro Gaming, Threadripper 1950X, 2xSamsung SSD 960 EVO RAID0, 4xSSD
960 EVO on ASRock Ultra Quad, 1TB & 500 GB WD Black, G.SKILL [Flare X (for AMD)] F4-
3200C14Q-32GFX, Windows 10 x64 Pro, Enermx Platimax 850, Enermx Liqtech TR4 CPU Cooler,
Radeon RX580, BIOS 2.0 -- no OC
I know nothing about Resplendence Software, so do not have the result equivalent to yours. If you tell me what you are running, I will try to duplicate. Thanks and enjoy, John.
Oh may godness your system is beautiful 😮
How did you manage to get that latency of 16? mine is like 60 jumps to 90, sometimes to 138 back to 60-70, did you do something special in your bios settings? like tweaking things such Disabling HPET? or disabling meltdown/spectre via Windows to improve performance or special things like that :O?
Well i just used Ryzen Master Tool to get 3.7 cause by doing via bios, it works as 3.7 but didn't feel any smooth or performance, so i can tell that in the tool.
Also i'm using a Windows 10 1709 16299.125 pro 64 i will update with the new KB windows10.0-kb4338825-x64 which is the latest update to see if i get and improve on latencies 😕
Also i used in Windows Hpet disabled via CMD, also in my bios, i disabled that option(also disable Dynamik Tik) , and as i mention early, i used the 1usmus dram calculator provided by an user in Guru3d that helped alot people to improve their ram speed to 3200 or even more without broken anything, and my stability test are good on Aida64 no crashes or what so ever...
Even that i have that high latencies IRQL in the Latency moon such 60-90 or 135, also MisterJ, you can test the In depth latency test that came with Latency moon and just hit Start and take a picture after 30 seconds of running to se if your cpu have high latencies like me? would you please do that?
Thank you for your dedication and kindness, really appreciate.
x58, thanks for the compliments on my system. At this stage of things I am just playing with all this as a hobby. I did run some "In Depth Latency Tests" last night but wondered what environment you were running. I quickly discovered that anything running in the background (browser with music), clicking on links or even moving the mouse cause large jumps in latencies. Mine run a little less than 9 μseconds, with sudden jumps to 165 μseconds. I will run some more and post a screenshot. I have no OC and no changes in UEFI except for my RAID. I am not running a XMP for my memory, so it is running at 2400 MHz. I have been testing various RAID configurations and UEFI versions lately. I will post the screenshot shortly. Enjoy, John.
Thanks for your cooperation John, and yeah if you can try to do the same In depth latency without running background thing i would love to see how much, cause if you get in all your cpu latency us 9 thats incredible, that mean that your system performs so incredible i think o.O.
x58, I disabled my NIC, exited my AV and all other running applications and did not move my mouse. Here it is:
I recommend that you open your UEFI, Load UEFI Defaults, Save and Exit. Set you Windows environment as I did and try it. I suspect you will ultimately need to trade off latency, memory speed, CPU speed, etc. Enjoy, John.
Wow, no way! that looks so fantastic 😮
By the way whats does mean NIC? and im guessing that the --> AV<-- is the avast antivirus?
And yes i have tried running the app with the bios default settings and still high like 100+us oh gosh i'm doom xD
By the way what version of windows 10 are you running?
Also a friend told me that, she recommends me to buy a Dedicated Sound card and Dedicated network card, to reduce cpu interrupts and that may help with this issues, i was wondering if you have dedicated sound card or network card, that may reduce latency?
x58, NIC is Network Interface Card. In my case an Intel I211AT on the MB. Intel NICs are well know and respected. I have no dedicated sound or network cards and suspect they will not help much. If you do buy a dedicated NIC I suggest an Intel. AV is AntiVirus, in my case Comodo. I do not know how much your processor cost but mine was USD 1000, cheaper now with the announcement of Threadripper 2. Remember I have an SSD based RAID0 for my system and 32 GB memory, 4 channel. I assume you have the latest AMD chip set drivers DLed from the AMD website and are running the Ryzen Balanced power plan. I think it is not time to be buying more HW. I hope someone with your processor will volunteer to run the latency test - simple to run. My W10 version:
Patch level 191 is available now. Good luck and enjoy, John.
Wow 1000 usd a processor? thats a good money well spend, I really congratulations you on your system its so amazing the performance and latencies, but something that i didn't understand is that you say you have a NIC interface network card, but at the same time you said that you dont have network card nor the sound dedicate card, o.o?
Also that SSD you installed as Raid0, why not to install as AHCI? i have a SSD crucial 500 has like 250 gigs but I installed as AHCI don't know if that can make a difference on my pc. Also you are running that last version of windows 10, probably i will be getting that version too.
And yes i have the latest Ryzen Chipset from AMD for my B350 motherboard but i'm using high power profile on Ryzen battery, but same problem with using Balanced.
But yeah mr John thanks for your time, I hope some users her can do the same test with my Ryzen cpu to see if my cpu is defective or just cause a bad OS settings or... idk, so thanks again John!
PS: sorry for my poor grammar.
x58, NIC is an old term but still used even though it is really just a module on the MB. There are two SSDs in my RAID0 and it tests at about 6000 MBps. Google the Samsung 960 EVO 250 GB, in 2xRAID0 about 500 GB. It is an NVMe M.2 product. You are very welcome. Enjoy, John.
Today i was reading your motherboard Fatal1ty X399 Professional Gaming
but didn't find that NIC chipset that you were talking about 😮 instead it seems to have a Aquantic network chipset your motherboard.
And yeahyour ssd are so omg!!!!!! well your pc Rocks is like a decepticon! very strong.
Aff today i cleaned my pc but It makes me sad cause you know heatsinks around the motherboard has like a silicone thermal compound below the heatsinks and when i realized it was like very consumed and with full of dust i didn't open cause i don't have thermal silicone to replaced... cause here in Venezuela is difficult, this is the nowhere land.. you cannot find anything... wish i can live in USA or Canada or better countries without many problems xd
This is what i found lol rip silicone thermal compoud xd
Anyway if you see my pc case inside is like HAAH
The SSD is like hanging in the metals, down-side there my 2 old HDD 256 gb hope a day
When things gets better if i get my passport, traveling to another country and grab a good cpu case
better hard drives, and properly case to set my SSD and idk new thermal silicone...
But yeah tried cleaning a litte bit, tried hard resetting cpu, rams, video card, but in depth high latencies continues to 135-140...
I don't know if create another Thread here or just wait for more people with my same cpu ryzen 5 1600 or at least help from Developers,
x58, there are three NICs on my MB, the Aquantia (10 Gbps) and two Intel I211AT (1 Gbps) I use an Intel. For years I have used Arctic Silver 5 thermal compound. What ever you can get be sure to find some videos on application. For my 1950X I use three very thin lines. It should never come out the sides. I know Venezuela is having some problems now and we are not being very friendly. Can you not order for Amazon or other websites? Enjoy, John.
Hey misterj sorry for not reply in time was trying to find the culprit
And I founded! the culprit was a bug that was fixed after week 24 of people that bought Ryzen first generation cpu back in 2017. mine was from may 5 2017 which sadly didn't came with the hot-fix. The problem was segmentation by high cpu usage and heavy compilation codes..
The only fix was to RMA the cpu, but as i state that i live in Venezuela, then i had to find another alternative which was to disable in Bios the opcache control + SMT and finally problem is solved
Also I found that the latency was triggered when I installed any nvidia drivers, but once i disabled opcache+smt finally all latencies goes 0.00232 or 1 us to 5 or 8 maximum. So probably your Threadripper 1950x you acquired like very after of may or july in 2017 and your cpu came with the hotfix
The sad part is that i have to sacrifice my 6 threads, now i have only 6
but anyway just letting u know, cheers.
What can I do if I have the problem with CPU , I tried disabling OPcahce , I kept SMT Auto . I tried HPET disabled both or Enabled just bios. Balance Power or Ultimate.
Can I still RMA the cpu with Amazon ?
I've found out the problem is caused by Nvidia drivers. Disabling the Display adapter 1080GTX fix the issue in instant ....
I've posted it here