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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Crash When Playing Fifa 18/Pes18/19 HD7600 Series


I always Have crashes while playing games, but the wierd thing is I can play for hours in ssome game modes (kick off mode in PES or Fifa) but while try to play Careers or master leagues always have crashes, some crashes is BSOD ( if it's BSOD WIN always fails to create mini dump so I can't attach it) another crashes is Directx error (similar to this PIC but this PIC isn't mine)


again the weird thing is I can play Kick off for hours but can't play any careers or tournaments...etc

( Event viewer shows that display driver stopped working and has been recovered successfully but I I add TdrDelay it shows windows blocked application from using graphic hardware - even if I allowed it from WIN 10 to using the graphic from graphic settings)

I tried FIFA18, FIFA19 and PES 19

Here is my Specs

HP 6305

A10 5800b


Win 7 64bit

12G Ram (3 sticks)

Ram clock is 667 and I can't change it because there is no XMP profiles on bios ( locked by Hp)

GPU clock 800

HDD Sata Segate slim (500G)

Directx installed last update (june 2010)

all VC redist libraries installed starting from 2005 till 2017

PSU 320 Watt

Monitor LG 22 inch

resolution 1920x1080

but I tried to reduce the resolution from games settings down to 1280

Here is what I tried to do:

1-uninstall the GPU using DDU

2- clean install the GPU using the driver on HP website ( also tried the one on AMD website which 15.7.1 WHQL

3- clean the PC from dust using air blower

4- change the power plan setting from windows or from catalyst to reduce or increase CPE usage (then i reverted back to 0% minimum 100% max)

5- tried on WIN 10

6- check the RAM using windows tool with no errors on extended mode

7- check RAM using Memtest86 with no errors

8- tried to overclock the GPU to 1040

9- down clocking the GPU to 400

10- tried to connect PC to another power source ( direct to electricity no UPS also the first power source is direct to electricity )

11- tried to add reg (TdrDelay, DdiDelay and TdrLevel...etc) and tried it a few values starting from 8 to 60

12- tried to change the reg (timeout) on DCI ( it's default is 7 I tried it few values till 60)

13- tried to reduce the games settings

14- tried to reduce the refresh rate from catalyst (the default is 75)

15- tried to monitor the CPU temp it can goes up to 110 without crashes

16- and while crashes happened it less that

17- tried to monitor RAM usage of the game it's never goes more than 6G ( while I have 12G)

18- tried to reduce the GPU memory from 2G to 1G from Bios

19- Tried clean boot on WIN 7 and 10

20- Tried to increase the fan speed to the maximum from bios ( if It's on max and I Put my hand on the PC it's very cold and the CPU temp never goes under 60c)

21- I am tried to use a RAM cache auto cleaner ( clearing the cache if the free memory under 4096M)

22- I am sure I tried another things but can't remember

help please on this problem, or any ideas about how to trace the problem deeper to know the exact thing causing this

Message was edited by: Matt B

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11 Replies


Well if the game always crashes wen wanting to play a certain mode but works fine in other modes than the game is broken or the drivers start malfunctioning somehow because of the game. You should contact the game developer and provide them all the information they ask so they can possibly patch this. Also check on the forums of the game developer, maybe there are similar reports. I also suggest making a video with your cellphone or so than you can show them from start to crash what the computer does, that's in some cases much easier than filedumps or so or your description of the problem.




If it is a hardware malfunctioning should I receive problems on tests?

Especially I ran 3 tests on the Ram and few tests on every thing(ising HP giagnostic tool)  and all tests resulting no errors


Well if you really want to check your hardware stability and temperature handling and such I advise you to download Prime95.

This is a hardcore stability test, for MB,RAM and CPU.

GIMPS - Free Prime95 software downloads - PrimeNet

Here is a video on how to use it, but it's very simple just copy it's folder to your C program files drive and than run the program, you can choose from 3 tests.

How To Stress Test your CPU with Prime95 & IntelBurnTest - YouTube

Let this run for an hour or more if it does not stop that hardware is fine.

For your GPU use :

FurMark > Home

If all this comes up clear with no BSOD or crash or something your system is fine.



After more than 1 hour of testing both CPU and GPU (both on same time)  using furmark and prime95 here is the results:

CPU usage 100%

CPU temp up to 109c

GPU load 99%

GPU temp up to 47c

Measuring CPU temp using speccy

No Errors, no BSOD and no crashes

Note: the fan level on bios is 0

Also the error (display driver stopped responding and recovered successfully) not encountered even on event viewer

So what Can I do as I am very confussed

Should I update the bios as some Google advices?  Or what?


Well if your computer hardware comes up clean with these tests it can only be a non hardware issue.

So the software (game) your playing is malfuntioning for some reason.

New bios releases are only usefull if they actually repair or add something wich would benifit your machine, but it never hurts to do a bios update.

You should contact the game developer and Nvidia (for your GTX 970), since your hardware is fully functional someone probably made some errors writing software or drivers or it's not updated to the needs of your system.


My GPU isn't Nvidia it's 7660d AMD so  I posted here.. Hoopping to find solution noting that the same games working fine on another PC and sure thanks for your help


Oh, but that error message says your nvidia GTX 970 was removed.

Did you have a GTX 970 on this system ?

If so you should use DDU, it removes any old drivers from your previous Nvidia gpu.

Display Driver Uninstaller Download version

Is this computer a new installation of windows ?


I tried few fresh win installations..  The above PIC is the same error I am facing but this is not mine ( I can't uploadmineso I got this fromgoogle)


Oh, well just make a video than or take a picture with your phone if you can not make a screenshot with your computer.

Well you can discard my previous message than, I suggest you make contact with the game developer and AMD. Maybe link this thread to them so they know what steps you already took and you do not have to explain it again.


Thanks for your help.

How can I contact AMD?