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PC Processors

Journeyman III

Проблема с энергопотреблением Ryzen 2700x (High EDC)

процессор R 2700x

материнская плата MSI 470X Gaiming Pro Carbon Bios 2.6

Win10 v1809

Энергопотребление процессора не сбрасывается и держится на 99-100%(EDC). Схема питания процессора постоянно сбрасывается и меняется самостоятельно, а смена настрое вручную не помогает. Настройки bios стандартные. Функция cool&quiet стоит на auto.

2019.03.05-19.18.pngПри заходе в диспетчер задач все приходит в норму и EDC падает до 31%, если закрыть диспетчер задач энергопотребление опять вырастает до 100%. 


R 2700x processor

motherboard MSI 470X Gaiming Pro Carbon

Bios 2.6

The power consumption of the processor is not reset and is kept at 99-100% (EDC). The processor power supply is constantly resetting and changing independently, and changing the manual mood does not help. The bios settings are standard. The cool & quiet function is on auto.

When entering the task manager, everything returns to normal and the EDC drops to 31%, if you close the task manager, the power consumption again increases to 100%.

Sorry for my English

From Russia with love

ryzen 2700x high edc in ryzen master, windows 10. The bios settings have not changed.

1 Reply
Big Boss

4ubakafob, I will try to look at the video and make sense of it.  Please post a screenshot of Ryzen Master (RM) only, so I can see the entire RM screen and nothing else.  ALT-Print Screen should do it.  Not reading Cyrillic makes it really hard to understand your images.  I do know that many ask about Ryzen clocks and temperatures jumping around with interactions with Windows.  See it you think that is what is going on.  You can use PBO to increase the limit on EDC.  Good document for RM, ryzen-master-quick-reference-guide.pdf  Please search for it - if I post a link it will delay my reply.  Enjoy, John.