As always, It would be suggested that one view and review the games specs via the game developers web site:
System Requirements| Guide | World of Tanks
However, if one is still unsure of if your systems spec meet the recomend or required settings, you may have to contact the game or software developer just to verify that ones card, prossesor etc is compliant with the game. In otherowrds if any of your systems components is not listed on the developers site, this doesn't mean it issue supported, just means you will have to contact them to find out is not is supported. In the event that the game developers says that your system is supported, then one should follow through with isolating specific components of one's system in order to determine where the error is occuring.
In essence, the issue may or may not be the video card etc, more over could be a RAM issue or which opsys one is using. If one has the settings of their video card at its max or limit and the issue occurs, it would be suggested to scale back the size of the image etc as this could also help determine the issue.