That's the exact HDMI lock I'm trying to use actually. I have an extension cable that I'm using for my Oculus Rift to plug into the HDMI slot, but it doesn't hold in place that well, so got the lock to keep it from coming loose just enough to disconnect. The only problem is the included screws/adapter are just a little too big to fit.
As for the screws in question, here is what the card looks like:
RX Vega 64 Ports
The computer case has a small part of the back slots going across (since this card takes up two spots on the back), so the adhesive route is pretty much out (that part is rounded and not flat, so the adhesive won't stick well enough). I'm going to look for one of the extensions & screws to go into the card, but just have to figure out the size of the screws. I can try to measure them if need be, but figured someone has likely run into this already.