After installing the operating system constant flicker. Ubuntu 18.10 & AMD RX 580. Screen artifacts - YouTube
You may be seeing this issue if you are using a Freesync monitor. Freesync is currently broken/not working with the current kernel (linux 4.18). This may change with a newer kernel (linux 5.0+), but for now you will have to disable it.
Update the file /etc/default/grub so GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT is set to
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="splash quiet amdgpu.dc=0"
then run
$ update-grub.
On your next boot, you must set the refresh rate manually with the following command in the teminal:
$ xrandr -r 60
This will set your refresh rate to 60Hz. Other display modes can be shown by running xrandr with no options.
it does not solve the problem... Bug #1813701 “[amdgpu] Flickering graphics corruption (but none ...” : Bugs : xserver-xorg-video-amd...
Thank you guy_named_zach. I'm making my way back to linux and this was a pretty big road block upon a fresh install of Kubuntu 18.10. I then went to 19.04 hoping for a fix, no luck there. This however did work, no more screen tearing. I hope this does not interfere with the gaming I intend to do. Thanks a lot!
[edit] I am using a freesync monitor via HDMI, Kubuntu 19.04 - fresh install
Maybe a bit off-topic since I'm on Open Suse Leap but since the posts lead me to believe that this is an issue prone to happen on any Linux, I thought that it was worthy to mention that the xrandr -r 60 proposed command solved alone the problem for me. There was not need to tamper with the grub/kernel configuration.
Thanks guy_named_zach
Thanks for the response. The extra configuration seemed to be required on
my system until recently.